Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good Morning Starshine

Above is the last of the Comic Con pictures. Or at least the last of my Comic Con pictures.

But truth be told this is actually Cindy Pon's comic con picture, (she's in the awesome costume, and Mary Pearson is to my right) and she was just kind enough to lend it to me!

So, in other, non-Comic Con related news, I'm giving away a signed copy of BLUE MOON over at The Book Butterfuly! For your chance to win, click HERE.

Also, I've just added some events to my roster: first up is the Readergirlz Chat on October 19 at 6PM Eastern to celebrate YALSA's Teen Read Week (Evermore is nominated for YALSA's Top Ten Award!).

Then on Monday, October 26th, I'll be signing books at the Barnes & Noble in Oceanside. But I don't have a time yet, so stay tuned!

And lastly, on May 15, 2010, I'll be headed out to Rochester, NY for their fabulous Teen Book Festival and I can't wait. (Even though I kind of have to wait since it's good ways away--but still)!

Oh, and I was so excited to see this nice review for BLUE MOON from Tynga's Urban Fantasy Reviews, who said:

"Blue Moon was totally amazing, even better then Evermore (which I really liked). I was so taken by Ever's emotion I was blinking back tears at more then one moment. I was so into the moment it was hard to bare to suspense and Ever's grief. The storyline is so well built it's insane, you really don't see the ending coming. I was completely shocked!Very well done Alyson the book is great and I can't wait to read Shadowland!"

To read the full review, click HERE.

Okay, back to playing with my iPhone- er, I mean work! Back to work!

Have a good day everyone!




  1. Kajikitsune10:17 AM

    I just wanted to say congradulations for Evermore being nominated for YALSA's Top Ten Award! My birthday is also on October 26, the day that you are signing books at Barnes and Noble. I wish I lived there. Oh well. Congrats again!

  2. Oh. My. Gosh. You're kidding me about you coming to Rochester, right? I've been dying to see you! I know it's like a year away but I'm still so excited! I've never been to TBF yet but I've heard of it and I've been wanting to go. I'll definitely have to let my mom know about this and make sure that I go!

  3. Hey there Kajikitsune-Thank you so much--and I wish you could be there too, it would be fun to meet you!! Happy (Early!) B-day!

    Hey Alissa- Nope, not kidding, and truth be told, I'm very excited about it, I hear it's really, really fun!! I hope you can make it!

  4. Anonymous3:25 AM

    Hi :)
    Comic-Con looks like a lot of fun was had by all. I'm glad you went and had a blast.
    Thanks for sharing your schedule.
    All the best,

  5. Thanks RK! Comic Con was fun--mostly the meeting up with writer friends part!
