Monday, June 01, 2009

Catching Up!

(From L to R: Mary Pearson, Marlene Perez, Debborah Lytton, Kathryn Fitzmaurice, Alyson Noel, Debby Garfinkle)

Busy Weekend.


First, the Romance Divas chat was a blast! The perfect way to procrastinate on all the things I was supposed to be doing--so thanks to all of you who stopped by and kept me appropriately busy and entertained and thoroughly distracted by your excellent questions!

Also, the multi-author book signing at Laguna Beach Books was a lot of fun!! I met so many awesome people: the twins & their mom--the girls from Thurston with their mom--Chloe-I forgot to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY--so here's a late HAPPY BIRTHDAY--and since it's impossible to list everyone I'll just say that the conversations were great, the company was great, the store was awesome, the staff amazing,  so I'll just stop right there and give a big, overall, blanket THANKS to everyone who stopped by!

And today my editor made my day by sending me this from RT Magazine (still haven't gotten mine yet--hello, mailperson--what gives??!), who gave BLUE MOON 4 stars and says:

“In the second installment of the bestselling and captivating Immortals series, gutsy young heroine Ever is faced with the twin teenage terrors of isolation and alienation.  Noel does an excellent job exploring Ever’s growing fears and her determination to save lost love Damen. This author is on a roll!” (4 stars) –Romantic Times

And then this just came in from The Book Chick who says:

" . . .It is the mark of a daring writer to defy expectations and Alyson Noel does that to the power of ten in “Blue Moon.” I guarantee you will have no idea what’s coming in the second book of the series while Alyson Noel surprises you with a big, fat twist and leaves you wanting more, more, more."

To read the whole review (warning, there's a few spoilers!) click HERE.

Also, today I received the BLUE MOON cover flats in the mail (thank you mailperson-you rock!), and they are GORGEOUS!!!

Seriously, GORGEOUS!!!

The St. Martin's Art Department does amazing work!

Also, I got a sneak peek at something very exciting that is in the works for the IMMORTALS series, that hopefully, you guys will love as much as I do . . . details coming soon!!

Have a good night everyone!


  1. Oh! This is pure torture! And it sounds like the torture won't end when we read Blue Moon--then we'll have to wait until February 2010 for Summerland!

  2. Hey NiGeLa- I swear--I'm not a sadist!!! Really!

  3. Mmm.. no sadist?? jajaja... maybe I'm not so sure about that... =)

    Sneak Peek! Sneak Peek! Sneak Peek! Sneak Peek! Sneak Peek! Sneak Peek! Sneak Peek!

  4. Hey Astrid-

    Well, the first 3 chapters are here:
