Wednesday, June 03, 2009

5 Star Gold Award for BLUE MOON!!!

This just in--an awesome review for BLUE MOON and the TeensReadToo 5 Star Gold Award too!!!


Here's an excerpt:

"I really enjoy sequels, but they make me nervous, especially when I loved the first book as much as I did EVERMORE. But Alyson Noel surpassed all my expectations, and not only is BLUE MOON an amazing sequel- it sets the bar for the rest of this series very, very high! When I reached the last page of this one, all I could say was "wow!" . . . Another highly recommended book from Alyson Noel, I can't wait to read more about Ever and Damen. THE IMMORTALS series is one you'll want to get your hands on!"- 5 Star Gold Award, Sarah Bean for TeensReadToo 

The full review can be found HERE!!!


  1. Tineke10:35 AM

    Wow! All this wonderful reviews are making it really hard to wait for Blue Moon!


  2. Hey Tineke- Just 5 more weeks now . . .

  3. Tineke1:56 PM

    Yes, 5 more weeks and than it is in the stores in the United States, but I will have to wait a month or more longer till I can buy it in Belgium. :-(
    But on the other side is it always nice to have something great to wait for, like your birthday presents when you are a child! :-D

  4. Hey Tineke- I still look forward to my b-days--mostly for the cake though!

  5. Congrats on the 5 Star Gold Award too! All the reviews sound awesome! I can't wait! 5 more weeks, it seems like

  6. WOW! I can't wait to read this next installment!
    I bought Evermore for my flight back to Scotland. OMG! I was hooked in mere minutes! I read it that day! You had me guessing the whole time....I'm telling everyone about Evermore, and I can't wait to read your other books. I know I'll love them!!
