Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Well, if things have seemed a little slow around here, it's probably because I spent the last three weeks in Maui and Lanai taking a totally blissful and much needed vacay where people actually brought me chilled towels, spritzed my face with Evian, and prepared small cups of ice-cream for me to snack on as I lounged by the pool . . . a life I quickly became accustomed to!
But now that I'm back to the cruel reality of unpacking, laundry, mail sorting, e-mail answering, (Oy, I need another vacay just thinking about it!), I thought I'd stop by here and share a few updates!

The UK and Croatian rights to both EVERMORE & BLUE MOON were recently sold (yay!) making for 14 territories so far, and EVERMORE has crept up to the #2 spot on Publisher's Weekly's Best Seller list for Children's Fiction (double yay!)!! Though, alas, it has slipped from the #1 spot to the #3 spot on the NYT Best Sellers List for Children's Paperbacks--but it was an incredible run at 10 weeks at #1 and since it's still hanging in there (14 weeks on the list!) I figured a little champagne celebration is definitely in order--right?


Also, the good reviews on BLUE MOON are coming in!  This one from Harriet Klausner who gave it 5 Stars and says:

"BLUE MOON, the second Immortals saga, is an outstanding teen fantasy in the tradition of Kelly Armstrong and Stephanie Meyers."

To read the full review click HERE

Also, I've received some very nice e-mails from bloggers/reviewers who read their early copies and loved it too--some even more than EVERMORE (!)--and I'll be sharing those soon!!

And, for those of you who've been asking when I'll get the BLUE MOON info up on the website--well, I have some very exciting stuff brewing, seriously exciting, and can't wait to share it with you as soon as it's ready and I get the okay! 

And last but not least, I'll be signing copies of my books on Sunday May 31 from 1:00 - 2:30 alongside Marlene Perez, Debby Garfinkle, Kathryn Fitzmaurice, Mary Pearson, and Deborah Lytton at:

Laguna Beach Books
1200 S. Coast Highway, Ste 105
Laguna Beach, CA, 92651

And I really hope to see you there!!

Have a great day everyone!




  1. Welcome back! It sounds like you had a sublime vacation. I cannot wait for Blue Moon and the "exciting stuff" you're going to post!

  2. Hey NiGeLa- Yup, "sublime" pretty much describes it!! But home is good too!

  3. Yay! I'm so happy the UK rights finally sold. I've been telling my friend about the book forever, and now she'll finally be able to read it!

    I'm glad you had a nice vacation Alyson. I've always wanted to go to Hawaii, but for me Disney World will always do for a bit of relaxation...or not. I do enough running around. Oh well, glad you had fun!

  4. Hey Jenna- Hawaii is awesome, but Disney World is pretty fun too!!

  5. Your vacation sounds like it was wonderful!! I got a copy of Blue Moon to review so I'll be reading that this weekend-yay!:)

  6. Hey GreenBean-- Hope you like it!!

  7. Welcome home!! :)

    What a gorgeous pic. :) Congrats on the great reviews!! Enjoy!

  8. Yay! Glad you're back! We've missed you here on the mainland. :)

    I'm halfway through Blue Moon and loving it! (Of course.) I think it's gonna put you back at that number one spot!

  9. Thanks Keri, it was amazing!! Saw dolphins, whales--so beautiful!!

    Thanks, Jessica!!

  10. Anonymous4:31 PM

    is shodowland the last book in the immortals series?

  11. Anonymous4:31 PM

    is shodowland the last book in the immortals series?

  12. Hey Anonymous-

    No, SHADOWLAND is the third book, there will be two more that follow!

  13. Courtney:)4:05 PM

    hi Alyson my name is courtney and i am a middle schooler at vista academy, i am in Beth duncan's class and i am doing a huge report about you. i have read three of your books and all of them were amazing. the book we are doing are project on is Faking 19. my group and i have decided to make a website all about you and the book and some of your other books. we were wondering if you maybe when we were done creating are website and our blog maybe you would post on it. ok i know that maybe this is alot to ask for but can we maybe have some outographed bookmarks or maybe some books? my favorite book of yours in evermore and i can not wait to read blue moon! yay! wee if you could get back to me soon that would be great! thanks!

    - courtney m.

  14. Hi Courtney-

    That is so incredibly sweet of you!! Let me know when it's done and I'd be honored to post something on it!!

    Also, I'd love to send you some bookmarks and signed bookplates--just send a mailing address to:

    And I'll drop them in the mail!

    Say hi to Mrs. Duncan for me!


  15. Courtney:)9:22 PM

    coolio! i sent you an email and it has all the information and probably one to many thank you's but its all there!

    thanks email me back at my email!

    -Courtney M.

  16. just wondering if you were actually going to make a movie or TV series out of the immortals books! loved all of them btw!
