Sunday, May 17, 2009

BLUE MOON Review!!!

Okay, to say I was thrilled when I came across the following review is not only putting it mildly--it would actually qualify as lying. Because the truth is, I was elated, wowed, jumping up and down-over the moon-excited when I saw what teen book reviewer, writer, and blogger extraordinaire, Rebekah Harris had to say about BLUE MOON:

Blue Moon an Imaginative Heart-Stopper

"Be sure to have the Bayer aspirin close by because Blue Moon by Alyson Noel just might stop your heart.

Those of you who loved Evermore, the first installment in Alyson Noel’s The Immortals series, will be glad you waited for Blue Moon. Set to debut in August, Blue Moon is the continuation of the centuries-old love story of Ever and Damen, seemingly star-crossed lovers doomed to lose one another lifetime after lifetime. However, when Ever chooses immortality at the end of Evermore, both Ever and Damen believe there is nothing to stop them from sharing eternity together. That is, until Damen gets sick.

As Ever becomes more skilled in her new role as an immortal, Damen’s flawless skills are weakening–as rapidly as his health. In an attempt to save his life before he loses his immortality, Ever must return to Summerland and unravel the past in order to save the future. But when she discovers she can actually change the past, will she choose to save her family or to save Damen? Or will she be too late to save either? In a world where Ever can trust no one, mistakes come easy, and this ending will certainly leave your head reeling.

Noel’s writing in Blue Moon is pure artistry, with its conversational flow and true-to-life dialogue. And in the midst of life threatening situations and centuries-old conflicts, she still manages to perfectly capture the cruel high school atmosphere and social hierarchy teens must deal with on top of their larger-than-life problems. As a result, readers will experience a great variety of emotions, similar to those of the grieving process: denial, anger, bitterness, acceptance, hope, anger, more anger, more hope, and finally, extreme anticipation. In fact, the tension between Damen and Ever–first established in Evermore– doesn’t ease up a bit in Blue Moon, which will keep your heart racing and your blood stirring from beginning to end. And the end? Well, I refuse to give away an ending so carefully and perfectly pieced together, but I will say that you’ll never see it coming and you will be aching to read the third book in the series, expected to hit shelves in February 2010."


To see this and Rebekah's other book reviews, click HERE!

Have a great day everyone!


  1. WOW!!! You must be over the moon! (bad pun, I know) Now I'm even more excited to read Blue Moon, and then Summerland in Feb! But, I don't want my summer to go too quickly, so I'll patiently wait until July....

  2. Lovely review! Congratulations!

  3. Congratulations!!!! :) Sensational review!!

    I'm soooo happy for you and I never get tired of typing Congrats to you!! :)

  4. Hey NiGeLa- Yup, totally over the moon!! And you're right to not rush the summer--it'll get here!

    Hey Sarah- Thanks so much!!

    Hey there Keri- A million thanks! Hope things are good in your parts!

  5. I really enjoyed reading evermore, and by the looks of this reveiw, I will be searching local stores for the second!

  6. Aw, thanks Lloyd!
    Hope you like it!

  7. Anonymous12:29 PM

    You must have had a cow...did it jump over the moon with you?

    Blue Moon looks like it's going to be amazingness times 8. Can't wait.


  8. I have heard such great things about this book. Seriously. Even the "nonreaders" I know have mentioned Blue Moon. :)

  9. Congrats on the wonderful review! I was at the doctor's office last week and when I was checking out the lady helping me saw my copy of Blue Moon (which I had with me to read during all that waiting!) and she said "oh my gosh-I loved the first one! Wait, that's not even out yet-that's not fair!!" So we talked about Evermore, and she said she really enjoyed it and that she couldn't wait to read Blue Moon. I felt awesome because the random YA books I carry with me to read almost never get recognized! And she wasn't a teen, which I thought was kind of cool-way to get adults to read YA!!

  10. JT- You crack me up! As always!

    Cinnamon- Really?? That's awesome!!

    GreenBean- I LOVE that story!! Thanks for sharing!!

  11. Anonymous8:07 PM

    I think SQUEE!! and CONGRATS are in order all around. I am very happy for you and cannot wait until Blue Moon is inmy hot little hands!!

  12. Hey DarkOne443--Thanks so much, I was pretty thrilled when I saw it!

  13. Congrats on the great review--that's awesome! I love the cover too!

  14. Congratulations on what I'm sure is a very well-deserved review! I can't wait to read Blue Moon.

  15. Yeah, I love this review!!!

    I know I'll be left waiting for the third book!!
    Congrats for the excellent review! =)

  16. I love it too, Astrid!!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Hey Twinkletoes- Thanks! Hope you like it!

  19. mimi =]5:26 AM

    hey omg lovin evermore read it in two straight nights never got sleep forcing my eyes to open lol
    kept on going 1 more page 1 more page until i just fell asleep thanx xtra much hun for this amazing book.

  20. Thank you, Mimi!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!
