Thursday, April 09, 2009

Tomorrow is Today

Okay, remember how on yesterday's post I said there was more to come? (Lost? see below!)

Well here it is.

Aside from tomorrow's radio interview at 8:30 PM (Eastern) HERE 

And Saturday's EVERMORE signing, from 12:30 - 1:00 PM (alongside Blake Snyder!) HERE

I'll also be signing and talking at the Taft High School Passport to Reading on Saturday, April 18 from 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM- more info can be found HERE

Oh, and the Scavenger Hunt is on! The awesome, up and coming, debut author, Kay Cassidy, has gathered over 1oo YA authors, asking them to come up with ten questions each, relating to their books. All you need to do to play is download the questionnaires, fill in the answers, and send them to Kay for your chance to enter the monthly drawing for a $50 book voucher. 

All eight of my YA titles are on there, and all you have to do to get started is click HERE.


I've just been informed that all scavenger hunts must go through a participating library in order to be eligible for the contest. So, rather than clicking on the link above, please visit your local library to enter, since only libraries can register for The Hunt. 

If you wish to participate, please visit your local librarian and if they're not familiar with The Hunt, please direct them to it!!

Thanks so much and sorry for any misunderstanding!



Oh-and today I learned that EVERMORE & BLUE MOON just sold at auction in Poland--how cool is that?! 

And I can't remember if I mentioned it before or not but both EVERMORE and BLUE MOON are going to be audio books!!  Read by the funny, cute, and talented, Katie Schorr, who, I happened to Google and found THIS hilarious bit of Internet fun

And, for those of you who've been wondering and asking, I'm hoping to get all things BLUE MOON related up and running on my website . . . soon. . . very soon!!

Have a great day everyone!



  1. Wow! You are busy! I'm looking forward to the Blue Moon "stuff". Will you post a play list? (I love seeing what music inspires other writers).

  2. Hey NiGeLa- Hmmm, probably! Music plays such a big part in the process!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yay for everything! Poland, audio books, signings! Just overall YAY! And how about a woo hoo too? Yeah, I think that's in order. WOO HOO!!!!

    When will the audio book be out??? I'm so excited about that! And I'll definitely try to make it to Taft on the 18th. That's my hood! Well, close-ish to my hood. So yay for that too!

  5. That's wonderful! I LOVE to listen to audio books. They make exercise and house cleaning so much more tolerable.

  6. Hey Jessica- Hmmm, I think the audio books will be out in June . . . and really, you're going all the way to Woodland Hills pour moi??? That is too sweet!

    Caryn- I know, I love to listen to them when I workout, drive, clean house . . .
