Wednesday, April 01, 2009

GCC Presents . . . April Henry!!!

This week on the Girlfriends Cyber Circuit I'm thrilled to present April Henry who's newest book, TORCHED, (check out the awesome cover to the left!) was just released, and she was kind enough to stop by and answer a few questions, but first, the details:

Here's the story:

When Ellie’s parents are busted for growing marijuana, the FBI gives her a choice: infiltrate the Mother Earth Defenders (MED), a radical environmental group, or her parents will go to jail. At first Ellie is more than willing to entrap the MEDics, but the more time she spends undercover—particularly with Coyote, the green-eyed MEDic that she can’t stop thinking about—the more she starts to believe in their cause. When talk turns to murder, Coyote backs out, but Ellie is willing to risk everything to save her family—even if it means losing Coyote and putting her own life on the line.

Here's the praise:

Kirkus: "Romance and big explosions … the thrills and action will keep readers interested as she navigates her way between terrorists and self-centered Feds."

Booklist: "The contemporary mix of politics and thrilling action will grab teens, not just environmentalists, as Ellie must decide how to save her parents and save the earth. Romance adds to the conflict as she falls in love with gorgeous MED member Coyote, who is both an activist and an ardent pacifist. Both the MEDs and the FBI have good guys and bad guys, and this suspenseful story will spark discussion about what it means to fight for right “by any means necessary."

Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books
“Henry keeps a number of slick tricks up her sleeve, and when the plot takes off with a MED tree sit to stop clear cut logging, a cascade of treachery and betrayal is unleashed that should keep the pages fl
ying. This is a far cry from the more whimsical take on environmentalism of Hiaasen's Hoot, but readers who cut their teeth on that amiable escapade may want to explore the ethical implications of wielding vandalism and violence to achieve a worthy end.”

School Library Journal
“Educators and environmentalists will appreciate the similarities between Ellie’s adventures and the exploits of Julia Butterfly Hill, as it will allow them to engage in a discussion about endangered species, corporate responsibility, and logging.”

Teens Read Too
5 stars
“Torched is an edge-of-your-seat thriller. The book starts with a prologue that puts readers in the thick of the action, and things don't slow down from there.”

Here's the trailer:


Here's the same 5 questions I always ask:

1. Every story has a backstory, what's the backstory for your book?
I’ve always been fascinated by people who work undercover. You pretend to form new loyalties – and at some level, I would guess that you really do. Earth Liberation Front has long been active in the Northwest. The FBI considers them domestic terrorists. I was driving to work one morning, listening to the news, and the broadcaster said, “The FBI says they have been unable to infiltrate ELF.” And I thought, what else are they going to say? Yeah, we have someone who is working there undercover? And then I started thinking that most Elves are young, and FBI agents have to be at least 23, and they might need a confidential informant.

2. What's your work environment like? Any rituals, totems, or must haves?
I spent so many years trying to squeeze writing in around working and parenting that I require nothing more than a computer. I guess that’s my must-have. My handwriting is legendary for its illegibility. When my daughter was just learning to read, I would sometimes be forced to ask her if she could read what I had written on my grocery store list, because I sure couldn’t.

3. If you could live inside any book-- which would it be?
Not a novel, because novels are all about conflicts and problems, even if they are funny. So maybe some kind of coffee table book about the Mediterranean coast of Italy. (LOVE this!-alyson)

4. What book rocked your world growing up?
My parents let us read whatever we wanted, including what they were reading. The Godfather and certain Heinlein novels were certainly, shall we say, eye-opening.

5. If you could visit any time, place, or person- what, where, or who would it be?
Two years ago, we went to Italy, France, and England on a vacation we had saved for years for. Our favorite places was the Cinque Terra – five little villages of layers of sherbet-colored houses leaning over the Mediterranean. You can currently see it in a camcorder commercial that quotes Fitzgerald and runs in movie theatres. I would love to go back there again and spend my entire vacation looking at the sea and eating pasta. It was a magical time.

April's story:

April Henry knows how to kill you in a two-dozen different ways. She makes up for a peaceful childhood in an intact home by killing off fictional characters. April had one detour on her path to destruction: when she was 12 she sent a short story about a six-foot tall frog who loved peanut butter to noted children's author Roald Dahl. He liked it so much he arranged to have it published in an international children's magazine.
By the time she was in her 30s, April had come to terms with her childhood and started writing about hit men, drug dealers, and serial killers. She has published six mysteries and thrillers, with five more under contract. Her books have gotten starred reviews, been on Booksense (twice!), translated into four languages, short-listed for the Oregon Book Award, and chosen as a Quick Pick by the American Library Association.

April writes for both teens and adults. This month Face of Betrayal will be published. It’s the first in a new series for adult mystery series co-written with FOX legal anaylst Lis Wiehl.

Visit April at:
April’s Website:
April’s blog:


  1. great interview! and look at that HOT cover! congrats to april!!

  2. Hey Cindy- The cover is a scorcher! And the book trailer rocks!
