Friday, March 27, 2009

Sweet Thing

So, yesterday, I got home and found this at my door:

A framed clipping of the New York Times best seller list, featuring the first week EVERMORE hit #1!! Sent by my awesome editor and publisher at St. Martin's Press--how cool is that?!

And aside from making room on my wall, I'm also getting ready for tomorrow's SCBWI Spring Retreat at the South Coast Winery Resort & Spa in Temecula where I'll be giving a little talk and signing books!!  To say I can't wait is putting it mildly! For details click HERE.

What about you? Any weekend plans!


  1. how awesome!YAY!! congrats again and again...

    me? looots of reading. And studying.

  2. Thanks Reverie! Reading sounds great!! Studying . . .industrious!!

  3. That is very awesome! I'm planning on doing homework and read, but I think the homework part is going to end up taking over.:(

  4. That is sooo sweet! :) Awww. I'm writing all weekend. My page count is pathetic, LOL. Have fun at SCBWI!

  5. Green Bean & Jessica- looks like we're all working! Though I don't think mine will feel like work!

  6. hey, i am so happy for u. congrats. anyways, i have my whole weekend booked. this morning i had a team rocket meeting where we are building a 3ft tall rocket, tomorrow morning i have to go do this thing with my friends called project downtown, saturday night i have a party, and sunday afternoon i have to go to a rocket launch for the team rocket thing. i feel tired just typing my plans.

  7. I've got huge plans. Me and a few of my friends are throwing my friend Sarah a suprise sleepover bday party tomorrow. Complete with coconut bras, leis, embarrasing pictures, the movie Lilo & Stitch, and 20 something hormonal teenage girls. It is going to be awesome! I might buy her a copy of Evermore as a present, cause I think she'd love it!

  8. Neha- Wow! How many hours are in your weekend?!

    Jenna- this sounds like the best party EVER!! Have fun!

  9. That's so AWESOME! What a FAB idea. :)

  10. Hey Jessica- Wasn't it!! I was totally thrilled--and surprised!

  11. Anonymous10:04 AM

    That's REALLY awesome. Congrats, Alyson.
    So is it true that they will do a TV series about The Immortals?

  12. Hey Anonymous-

    Well, the dramatic rights were sold to Spring Creek Productions and Warner Horizon and they want to make it into at TV series- so fingers crossed that it happens!

    Thanks for stopping by--enjoy your Sunday!

  13. Anonymous11:03 AM

    OMG that would be awesome!!!
    I wonder who would play Ever. :)

    Fingers crossed!
    Best of Luck.
    "Anonymous" (My name is Lisa by the way)

  14. Wow. I just fell more in love with St. Martin's press. I've always liked their books, but what a classy thing for them to do for their authors!

  15. Hey Lisa- hmmm, I have no idea who would play Ever, though I'd love to be there for the casting call for Damen! :-D

    Caryn- Oh, yeah, SMP is a class act! Love them! They sent flowers too--twice!
