Wednesday, March 04, 2009

My Life Would Suck Without YOU!!

Borrowing from a Kelly Clarkson song as a way to express my gratitude to all of of friends, family, and amazing readers who've stood by me all these years--4 years to be exact--(well, 4 years for my readers that is-- my family's been around a little longer than that!), because 4 years ago today, my debut novel FAKING 19 was released, and it felt like the ultimate realization of a dream come true!

Because it was.

And now, because of all of YOU--the dream just keeps getting bigger and better--so:


  Seriously, Thanks.

And just to show you how serious I am, I'm going to give away a signed copy of EVERMORE to one random commenter (I'll use the old name in a hat trick to choose!)!

Oh, and speaking of gratitude, I recently received my first piece of EVERMORE fan art, which I would totally post here except for the fact that my scanner is currently on strike. But still, let me just say, that it's totally adorable and cute and sweet and completely made my day!

And double Oh, and another reader wrote me an e-mail sharing a new word that she and her friends made up and she used it to describe my book: ausome-tasical!!  LOVE it! And definitely plan to use it myself!

And triple Oh, google alerts alerted me to THIS a Live Journal community dedicated to all things EVERMORE and the IMMORTALS series!

Also, in the spirit of grateful thankfulness, the YA Edge has chosen EVERMORE as their March book club pick!! How cool is that, I ask? So, feel free to march on over there, or better yet, just click HERE and check it out for yourselves!

And, believe it or not, I'm even grateful for jury duty. Yes, it's true. And no I'm not joking. But that's only because I'm a "call in" juror which means I have to call in each day after 5:00 PM only to be told to call in the next day after 5:00 PM. And even though it's totally tedious, easy to forget, and really gets in the way of making plans, I'm still incredibly grateful that I don't have to drag myself down to the courthouse and hang around all day, hoping no one will call me for duty. Done that. Not fun.

Oh, and I'm also grateful because a super good friend of mine just divulged some extremely exciting news--but, I'm sworn to secrecy until I get the okay to tell you--but even though  I'm busting at the seams--dying to shout it out-- since I promised them I wouldn't -- I'll just add it to my grateful list!

What about you? What makes you grateful?  Oh, and don't forget to comment, doesn't have to be a grateful comment, just a regular old comment will do, for your chance to win a signed copy of EVERMORE!!!


(forgot to mention that before!  As you were . . .)


  1. Congrats!

    I'm grateful giveaways. And I'm grateful for books and authors and author blogs. And that I'm graduating this year and that I'm going to a school I love come fall. I'm also grateful for picking-names-out-of-a-hat. The random number generator thing just makes me suspicious somehow. A computer is NEVER as random as a name drawn from a hat.

  2. congrats, indeed!

  3. yay, fanart!

    I'm gratful for a particular friend who's helping me to pick new glasses in like 2 hours. she's the best for enduring my 'overpickyness'. =P

  4. CONGRATS! I am grateful for my sisters and for my new job and for book giveaways!

  5. 100% my kids! They make me who I am and I love them. My life would be completely different without them and for that I'm grateful!

  6. Alyson, I am so excited for you. What am I grateful for? My amazing, inspirational, talented, beautiful (inside and out) writing buddies. :)

  7. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Three words: Paid. Time. Off.

    Thanks and congrats!!

  8. Yay! Evermore is really taking off! :) Congrats!

  9. I am so excited for you! This is so wonderful!


  10. Congratulations on your success! I read evermore the first day it came out, I couldn't put it down! You deserve everything :)

  11. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Why do I have a feeling that the good new you're "busting at the seams" with is about the Immortals series becoming a tv show? lol...

    Happy 4 year anniversary of Faking 19!!

    I'm grateful for.... my appointment later today to discuss designs with my tattoo artist about an Evermore tattoo!! :)

    Oh, make sure that the hat you pick the names out of is a Yankees hat... it tends to bring more luck :)

  12. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Hi !Congrats !
    I’m grateful for inspiration, scenario which authors imagine everyday.
    I don’t speak fluently english, but I read a lot of american book. I’m writting my own novel, and I would write like you. So, I’m grateful to you for inspiring me.
    Also, I’m grateful for good weather these day in France.


    Ps:Are you going to publish your novels in French ?

  13. Don't enter me, as I've already got copies of Evermore. But I just wanted to say congrats and I hope jury duty goes well. I ended up being picked (I really think it's because I was a librarian, so they figured I'd be smart-ha!) and had to sit there for three days in trial-a really boring car accident one.
    And that Immortals fan site is awesome!

  14. Congratulations on the four year anniversary of Faking 19.

    I think I'm grateful for all of my friends and the memories that we made this year. Once this school year ends, I might not see them again.

  15. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Happy anniversary! I can't believe it's only been four years. You seem like an institution. :-)

  16. Congratulations! ^_^
    Ooo fanart! I can't wait to see it. :)

    Well, there's this Japanese comic book series I've been following for close to 5 years now (and it's been going on for 10 years already), and this past week..omg! My favorite character (she's the reason why I decided to really get into the series) FINALLY confessed her love to the main character.. It was amazing! After all these years of patiently waiting for that moment, it came! And I'm very grateful for that. :'D

  17. I'm grateful that I only drove on the sidewalk once during my driving lesson. And that I didn't hit anyone! (Haha)

  18. Anonymous2:11 PM

    i'm grateful that i have a semester and a half left of grad school before i become an official, certified (well i would need to take those tests in the summer though...) teacher!

  19. I'm grateful for authors and bloggers who host contests to win books. I wouldn't have read most of the books I've reviewed if it wasn't for them.

  20. Happy Anniversary!! And congratulations on four fabulous years. :)

    I'm grateful for my hubby, my daughter, my family, warm weather, sports, my readers, my publisher(s), my agent, my day job, living near the beach, and the opportunity to do what I love everyday... :)

  21. I'm grateful for the internet. It opens me up to new opportunities I would never know of if it wasn't for it!

    And congrats!

  22. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I'm so happy for you!

  23. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Congrats! How exciting!

    ays z
    ayszed [at] hotmail [dot] com

  24. CONGRATS!!!
    I am greatful for awesome writers like you!! haha and my family!!

  25. I'm grateful for my best friend because I don't know what I would do without her. We've known each other for 6 years and our friendship is still thick. She laughs at everything I say and I just love her so much.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.


  28. Congrats hitting #1 on NYT!!

  29. My teens love your book! I'm grateful for authors that love their fans and give away free books.

  30. YA writers are AWE-SOOMMMEE!!!!! Loved Evermore as well as my fave Saving Zoe. "Cuz we belong together now, Yeah! Forever united here some how! You got a piece of me, and now honestly! MY LIFE WOULD SUCK WITHOUT EVER AND DAMIEN!" Congrats on taking a spot on The New York Bestseller List!!!!

  31. I'm hearing soooo much about your book! I would be thrilled to receive a signed copy.

  32. Congrats Alyson! I was rooting for Evermore to reach number one!

  33. Wow-- You guys are The Best!! I'm loving all of these things you are grateful for so much that I'm glad I decided to make it random--since I could never choose!!

    Keep 'em coming!


  34. congrats! i'm grateful for a rain respite!

  35. grateful for jury duty? *someone* is in a super good mood ;)


  36. Anonymous6:29 PM

    I got Evermore the day it came out, not even realizing it. I devoured it in three hours -- no joke. So, I guess, I'm grateful for amazing authors; and, of course, their amazing books! I'm an aspiring writer, so a good book makes me really happy.

  37. Anonymous6:49 PM

    First off let me start off by saying congrats! You deserve it really! Your books are amazing (though evermore will always be my fav. well maybe until the sequal comes out;p) Ok enough sucking up right!lol ( i really am serious about loving youe work though. Hummmm lets see what am I grateful for:
    1. My family ( yes even my disgustingly annoying younger siblings)
    2. For my kids in the mentoring program I work at who never let any one get them down even with their disabilities
    3. School getting a college education
    4. Just life in general because there really is nothing as intoxicating as it in this world
    5. Authors like you who have given all of us great books to read and worlds to ecape to when things here in real life just to boring and we need hot immortals to livin it all up ;p

    Much Love,

  38. Oh wow, that's wonderful! Congrats - and getting your first piece of fanart must be superduper exciting as well!

    Hehe, juicy secrets are awesome ;)

  39. Triple Ohs deserves a Triple Congrats! I have been DYING to read Evermore, I keep seeing great reviews on it and yet I haven't been able to go out to go buy it!
    What I'm grateful for? All of these book blogs and giveaways! Because without them I wouldn't know a single thing about upcoming YA novels ;)

  40. Anonymous8:06 PM

    I'm grateful I'm a ventilator dependent quadriplegic. While many have to juggle bills, housework, kids and a husband I'm free to write. Don't get me wrong, I'm not grateful 24/7, but I try to focus on what it's given excuse to be waited on, not to wash dishes, time to find a love for writing, time to take classes to become a better writer, fuel for stories and an excuse to stay a kid forever (no one gives me a hard time about my being a big kid). Shoot I've even got a machine to breathe for me.
    Congrats on your success.
    Oh, if I happen to win, can I get it is an ebook. I'm legally blind and my computer has to read to me. If you don't have an ebook, a plain word doc would do.
    J. Aday Kennedy
    The Differently-Abled Children's Author

  41. I'm grateful for getting to spend time with the people I love :)

  42. Anonymous9:18 PM


  43. Anonymous10:18 PM

    Im grateful for:
    - My family. Without them I would have fallen and never gotten up along time ago.
    - My Education. Im going to high school and college at the same time and its hard but it will all be worth it... I hope.
    - For books. Without books I would be completely bored. So thanks for making great books to keep me entertained!
    - Every breathe I have taken over my 17 years of life.
    - Last but not least, MUSIC! I can't imagine my life without my piano or my favorite bands.

    Those are just the ones off the top of my head.
    P.S. Congrats on being #1!

  44. I love all of your books!
    i live in portland oregon and wish i could have gone to san diego to get my books signed, but no, im stuck here. ugh. You should come up here sometime, I think you'll like it.
    I have a feeling evermore is going to be better than twilight. Even though i cant really say that since i havent seen the movie or read the book, but I have a feeling it will be, just because your books are fantastalistic :)
    fantastalistic- a new,made up, word for ya :)
    thanks for making me enjoy reading again!
    xoxo Nicole

  45. congrats!!!!
    this book is awesome ive read it twice already. cant wait for Blue Moon!!!!!

  46. Congrats, I'm grateful for friends and family!

  47. I'm really grateful for my friends, who had a mini-surprise party for me at school today :)

  48. What lovely things to be stoked about!! That's awesome.

    I'm grateful...that it's spring break, b/c i sooo need a break right about now from papers and stuff.

    lauren51990 AT aol DOT com

  49. Anonymous1:58 PM

    I'm grateful for the approach of March break! Math is not my forte. Anyhow we have only one week left. I think Canadians do our March break at a different time.

  50. I am thankful that I won a Spamalot ticket! I've got a lot of work to do next week, but I'm still glad I'll get to see the show.

  51. I am greatful that i am getting my tattoo on the 20th. Grateful that i ALMOST had a consation with my bestfriend that had almost nothing to do whit her boyfriend.

  52. Congrats! I'm grateful for my mom and my two sisters even though i don't always show it. Love ur books!!!

  53. Anonymous6:17 PM

    grateful for my family

    and congrads!

  54. I'm grateful for family, friends, The Office, Chuck, 30 Rock, good music, great movies, and books. Writers never cease to amaze me. I don't know how you create these worlds that make me totally forget where I am and I look up and have to re-aclimate (sp) to this world. How cool is that? Keep up the good work, my life would suck without you!

  55. Anonymous7:32 PM

    I love evermore!! Cant wait for blue moon and the rest of the series!!!

  56. Ooooh! Congrats! I have also been wanting to read Evermore! This would be a great win! Thanks!
    bunnybx at gmail . com

  57. Anonymous5:48 AM

    Conngrates! I can't wait for Blue Moon.

  58. Anonymous6:50 AM

    OMG Ms. Alyson
    I am sooo glad your book hit #1 cause thats were it belongs!
    Thanks for going to give away a copy of Evermore! I would give almost anything for that book!
    You are one of my Favorite writers!

    Have a great day!

  59. I can't wait to pick this book up! I'm a high school English teacher and am always looking for fresh fiction to pass along. Way to go!

  60. Wow--you guys are amazing!! I love all this positivity and thanks for all your kind words on EVERMORE!

    And J. Aday Kennedy--your post really blew me away! What a beautiful spirit you have!!

  61. Congrats!!! I hope I win the book it sounds AMAZING and I can't wait to read it and if I don't win it i'll be sure to get it some how! I think your other books are awsome Alyson! Your an AMAZING writer and keep writing your so good at it:) Comment later LOL:)

  62. This comment has been removed by the author.

  63. really hope to read and review your newest book!
    best Marjolein

  64. Congrats!!! I would love to read your book!!! SO MUCH! sena.sagani[at]gmail[dot]com

  65. Congratulations! I loved Kiss & blog and Art Geeks and Prom Queens!

  66. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I just bought Evermore by a friend's recommendation. I've never read any of your books but I'm excited to learn more about them! :)

  67. Anonymous3:43 PM

    Ok I am soooo excitecd about Blue Moon being released sooner I hand hardly contain myself! I am 23 years old I am always getting odd looks when I cruise into the young adult this book made me not care at all! Everytime I read a book I hope for a undenyable love story one that I get the tingles in my fingertips and this book did it!!! I loved every bit I cried I laughed I loved everything you could imagine in more. I didnt start reading books till I was 23 and I am so hooked its rediculous. Books like this make me wonder what I was thinking I mean seriously its better than movies I can just loose myself and feel like I am really there...I love it! Thank you so much for making it easier to step into the young adult/teen section if I hadnt I would have missed out on an awsome book that made my hands tingle! :)

    Thanks again,
    Amanda Hejl
    P.S I know this is also on your myspace I accidently put it there my bad lol.

  68. Anonymous3:48 PM

    So this is Amanda again I put my comment without my email ist

  69. You guys are too sweet! And Amanda- some of the best books are in the YA section--just my humble opinion of course!

    Hope you're all enjoying a fabulous weekend!

  70. The funny thing about the YA section is that when I was a "YA" I never read them, but now that I'm not, they make up a majority of my reading!

  71. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I am greatful that i spent time with my family yesterday.

  72. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I am greatful that i spent time with my family yesterday.

  73. Hey SweetMellissa- Me too!!

    Hey Beautyxinsane- That's so sweet!

  74. Anonymous3:56 PM

    Heey Alyson!

    Congratulations! :D I directly knew this book would be amazing and it is nice to hear the rest of the world finds that too!

    The Immortals really interests me from the first moment I read about it in the GCC from Shanna Swendson. I directly went to the bookshop, but they couldn't find it (yet?) in their computer system, so I still have to wait to read it. (I live in Belgium, in Europe.)
    Normally I don't buy books when I didn't read them before or I don't know the author, but with Evermore it is different. I don't know why, but it feels like this is a book with a love story and a world I am waiting for... Very strange!

    I am grateful for a lot of things, although I sometimes don't realize how good my live is!
    This are three important things:
    I am grateful for the people who care for me, who love me and who like me like I am.
    I am also grateful that I have the possibility to make choices, although I find it very difficult to choose.
    And I am grateful that books exist. I am really happy when I can go lost in another world, to read all those stories, to laugh and to cry with the main character and to read the happily after all! That gives me a very good feeling!

    Many greetings from Belgium,

    PS: I hope you understand what I mean, because English isn't my native language. I can read English books, but writing (without mistakes) is more difficult for me...

  75. great book! I love it! your an amazing writer and I can't wait for more!

  76. I'm grateful for a husband that I almost lost a year ago, but thankfully didn't...who kindly sacrifices his affection for doting when I find a new book that I cannot put down until I have finished it. Very much looking forward to Blue Moon's arrival!!!

  77. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Congrats Alyson! You deserve all of Evermore's success.

    I'm simply grateful to be alive. :)

  78. Congratulations! And I'm grateful for naps. I think I'll go take one. :)
