Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Release Day Activities

So yesterday was one of those really great days! You know the kind where you just wake up happy, stay that way throughout, and then go to bed with a smile on your face?

It was pretty much like that!

I guess because it was EVERMORE's official release day, which, let's face it, release day is always pretty exciting, but still, this one was a little more so than usual. I heard from so many excited readers via Myspace, Facebook, my bulletin board, e-mail--I could hardly believe it! (You guys read fast and your kind words mean the world to me! And yes, I will get back to all of you soon!). Not to mention all those awesome teen bloggers who were nice enough to interview me (links in blog posts below and more to come!). And then of course, there's the YA author community in general which is so warm, friendly, and supportive--I'm proud to be a part of it!

Oh, and speaking of cool YA authors, the uber cool Melissa Walker sent me this photo of EVERMORE taken at the B&N in Union Square:

Seriously, how sweet is she?

But the other part of what made the day so great-- is that I got to do a few of my favorite things like: hit the bookstores!! I love bookstores. Always have. I even have this recurring fantasy of owning a little bookstore in a location so remote, with so few  customers, I get to sit at my unused cash register all day and just read!! My husband who, luckily, is a little more practical, business minded, and left-brained than me, assures me this particular fantasy should not be acted on. Anyway, back to the bookstores, well, it didn't really go as I'd planned, so here's the report: some of the B&Ns didn't even get their EVERMORE copies yet! (Gasp!)  Though they assured me they have bunches on order and expect them to arrive "any day now." And then some of the Border's had already either sold out (!) and/or only had one left, but since they're supposed to order more, I'll definitely check back and sign then! And since the area I just happened to be trolling had no independents, I'll be checking in on those later this week! 

So, not really getting the signing fix I was after, I moved on to my mom's where I foisted stacks and stacks of bookmarks on her before heading out to a Mexican restaurant for dinner, which, seriously now, is there anything better than that guacamole they make right at your table?

I think not.

And by the time I finally made it home, eager to watch the season 7 disc 5 Buffy DVD that Netflix had so kindly sent me, I found that my awesome editor had sent me this:

That's EVERMORE in the Feb/Mar issue of Justine magazine- chosen as a Page Turner pick! Squee!!

And then after watching The Spike Show, er, Buffy (oh, Spike how I love thee!), I checked my Amazon numbers one last time (I know, I know, but I just can't help myself!) and saw that EVERMORE was in the top 25 books in teen Sci-Fi--

and that's when I went to bed happy!

Oh, and for those of you wanting to get your hands on a signed copy, stop by Stephanie Kuehnert's blog where later today she's kindly featuring me as a Woman Who Rocks (trust me, Stephanie's the one who rocks!), and giving away a copy of EVERMORE to one random commenter! 

And speaking of signed copies--don't forget to stop by Free Book Friday Teens for your chance to hear the Ally Carter interview and win one of 4 signed copies of her phenomenal GALLAGHER GIRLS books!

That's it for now--have a good day everyone!


  1. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Happy belated release day! I'm so excited for you. Can't wait to get my hands on a copy. As if you writing alone weren't incentive enough (and it is!) the premise is just fantastic, and the cover is delicious.

  2. Hey Caryn- Thanks so much! Glad to see you're back to blogging again--you're one of my favorite stops!

  3. You like Buffy?! YEY! It's my favourite show of al time :D

  4. Hey Prophecygirl- I don't just like Buffy- I LOVE Buffy! I'm practically obsessed!
    Okay, I am obsessed. But I have a feeling you know what I mean . . .


  5. OMG! I just read Evermore ok 1 word AMAZING! Best book ever its my favorite!
    And I just started Buffy season 7, its awesome my favorite TV seriees Buffy is awesome shes kick butt! Buffy, Spike, Dawn, Xander, Anya, Giles, Tara and Willow ROCK! :)

  6. Hey Alicia-
    Thanks so much--I'm so glad you liked EVERMORE!!

    And I totally agree on Buffy- best show ever!!

    Happy Valentine's Day!

