Sunday, February 01, 2009

It's heeeeere!!!!

Last night, in a fit of pre-pub nervousness (or was it just random curiosity? It's hard to tell the difference these days), I got out of my sweat pants, put on some actual clothes, (including lip-gloss!) and hit a few local bookstores, where I casually stalked the aisles, looking to see if EVERMORE, (which officially pubs this Tuesday!) has made it onto the shelves.


wait for it----
it has!

Barnes & Noble had it both end capped and on the YA shelves and Border's had it end capped and on the Fantasy shelves- so note to Border's shoppers, EVERMORE may not be shelved with my other books, but instead on the fantasy shelves. You know, where Stephenie Meyer lives?!

So basically, what all of this means is I pretty much plan to spend the next several days hitting all the book stores, Targets, and Wal Marts, within a hundred mile radius (not really exaggerating on that one), looking for copies to sign and add shiny new EVERMORE/BLUE MOON bookmarks to. And while I'm not busy with that, I'll be traveling the blogoshpere, giving interviews for my fellow GCC sisters--some of which are giving away signed copies, so stay tuned for that!

Oh, and of course there's that pesky matter of the BLUE MOON copy edits due in just a few days . . .but we won't talk about that . . .

But, until then, here's an interview I just did for the lovely Arya

And here's a new review on EVERMORE over a Lastexilewords

Oh, and while you're blog hopping, be sure to check out THE READ CARPET, a new site for all things YA- discussions, podcasts,
 interviews, etc!

That's it for now--Happy Sunday Everyone!



  1. Yaaay! Congratulations, Alyson!! I'll start checking for EVERMORE and will sooo be facing it out. If it's not already. :)

  2. Thanks Jessica! I shall return the favor!

  3. Congrats!!!! :)

    I'm heading for the bookstore this week and I can't wait to snag a copy of EVERMORE. :) And of course, face it out. :)

  4. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I'm foaming at the mouth at the moment, just itching to claw into Evermore. To bad the closest book seller is, sigh, an hour and a half away.

    Looks like I might want to stay away from anything that may contain spoliers.

    I hope this series takes you far.


  5. Hey JT- Thanks so much! You know, you have the perfect author type name-- I wish you much success on your own future books!

  6. Hey Alyson!

    Thank so much for mentioning the podcast, we all appreciate it greatly.

    Am excited to read Evermore, currently penning an email to the Aussie publishers to whine about when it's available here! (Just read Laguna Cove last night, that makes three Noel titles I have tracked down in my pitiful city in a week. I am a determined one!)

  7. Hey Adele- No problem, I think your new project is amazing!

    And thanks for all your determination--I'm truly grateful!

  8. Anonymous8:15 PM

    How exciting! I can't wait to read it, i've already got it planned that Im going to Target and Borders on tuesday!!! Congratulations!!!

  9. Ooh-I was at Borders today and saw Evermore and was super excited! I had to open it up and take a peek at the Blue Moon cover, which looks awesome. Hope you have a great publishing week!

  10. Aw, Lamia, thanks soooo much!!

  11. Hey GreenBean- Oh cool, so you saw the BLUE MOON cover! I figured I'd post it here -um, soon-ish! Still waiting for my copies so I can send you yours!

  12. Just finished reading your book Evermore and enjoyed it. Now awaiting Blue Moon. Curious as to how it all plays out. Kudos!!

  13. Thanks so much, Penny! Hope you like BLUE MOON too!
