Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Speaking of Books . . .

Lots of exciting things happening in the world of books this week, including:

It's Cybils time again! That's right, nominations for the Children's & Young Adult Blogger's Literary Awards are open for nominations! To nominate your favorite book, just visit HERE and leave the title in the comments section--it's so easy!

Also, the Leave a Mark auction has begun! This is the one where various authors (including moi), mark up one of their books (thereby turning it into a sort of director's cut edition!), and auction it off to benefit First Book, a wonderful charity providing books for the needy! This amazing idea was the brainchild of Lauren over at Shooting Stars Magazine and Chelsea at The Page Flipper. They'll be auctioning off a different title every few days (including my marked up version of SAVING ZOE- though I'm not sure which day it will run so check back!), and all you have to do to participate is click HERE!

And, as it that wasn't enough, today also marks the start of Kelly Parra's Secret Fates Blog Extravaganza! In celebration of her latest release, INVISIBLE TOUCH, from now til the end of the month, she'll be featuring various authors spilling secrets and giving away prizes and you won't want to miss it! I'll be giving away a rare (um, rare because I'm running out of copies!) ARC of the fist title in my upcoming paranormal series, EVERMORE!! But since I'm not sure which day I'm up--you should probably visit everyday since there's loads of good stuff you're going to want! And all you have to do to win, win, win--is just click HERE!

That's it for now-- Happy October Everyone!


  1. Great stuff, Alyson! ;)

  2. Waving to Jessica & Keri!!!

  3. Anonymous4:28 PM

    I saw Saving Zoe on the back cover of the RWR with your contest win! Hooray!!!

  4. Thanks Pam! I was pretty thrilled when I saw it there!
