Saturday, October 04, 2008

Keeps Gettin' Better!!

It's Saturday, which means it's time for another round of Jessica Brody's FREE BOOK FRIDAY!
This week she's featuring the awesome Lisa Lutz who's giving away a signed copy of her New York Times bestselling novel, THE SPELLMAN FILES, so be sure to go HERE for your chance to listen to the podcast interview and win a copy of this amazing book!

Also, talented debut author of UNDONE, Brooke Taylor, (who I was lucky enough to meet at the RWA national convention in San Franciso last summer and she totally rocks!) is holding a Monster Giveaway (seriously monster sized!) on her blog this month, with prizes so great you won't want to miss it! I'll be giving away a signed ARC of the first book in my upcoming paranormal series, EVERMORE, at the end of the month, but trust me, you're going to want to head over there now for your chance to win the awesome, New York Times bestselling, HOUSE OF NIGHT series! Just. Click. HERE!

And, don't forget about the Secret Fates Blog contest that's also running all month in celebration of Kelly Parra's (who I also met at the RWA convention and she's sooo nice!) new release INVISIBLE TOUCH. Today, Erica Orloff (who writes one of the best blogs on writing- ever!) is not only spilling secrets but also giving away a copy of her YA hit, THE POKER DIARIES! I'll be giving away a signed copy of EVERMORE this month too, and since I'm running pretty short on copies, this maybe your only chance (other than Brooke's giveaway) to get a first look, so don't miss it! Go HERE now!

And did anyone watch THE EX LIST last night? I did, right after GHOST WHISPERER, it's kind of a MY NAME IS EARL (mostly because of the list) meets SEX AND THE CITY (mostly because of the dating--only it takes place in L.A.) hybrid. If you didn't see it, it's about a girl who goes to a psychic and learns that she has one year to get married (or it will never happen) and that her soul mate is someone she's already dated. So I'm guessing each show will be about her going through her (long) list of exes, trying to figure out who it could be. And while it got me thinking about my own list of exes (not that long-- I swear!), it also reminded me of the time I went to a psychic with a friend who predicted my future husband to a T. Seriously. All the way down to his education, birth place, astrological sign, etc. The reading took place eight years before he would come into my life (which she also predicted!) and it seemed so crazy at the time I put it right out of my mind- until the night we met, (yup, 8 full years later), and it went just as she said . . .

So, in celebration of all things paranormal, Halloween, and THE EX-LIST, tell me:
Have you ever been to a psychic--and did any of the predictions come true?


  1. Yes, I have. I've been to loads over the years. And yes things I've been told have come through. Like, I'll have three pregnancies and two children (a girl and a boy). Spot on there.

    Also, a friend of mine went to this particular psychic (at the time she had 4 children and was married) and she was told she'd have another child and remarry...... and that happened.... so for all those sceptics out there... no way could she make that up!!!

  2. Hey Sara- I LOVE stories like this! You went to a good one!

  3. Yes! I went to one when I was about 19. She told me I would marry someone with the initials MJ. My hubby's name is Justin Mikulski. I didn't even know him at the time. Weird.. :)

  4. Keri- How weird is that?? Mine also told me I would be moving to NYC and "traveling with large groups of people". I thought she was nuts as I was living in Mykonos at the time. But four years later when I found myself living in NYC and working as a flight attendant I had to laugh!

  5. Years ago, my brother saw a psychic that told him our whole family would be torn apart over my sister and how she took care of her children.

    When he told me, my nieces were toddlers and I laughed because I couldn't imagine any kind of circumstance where I would care how my sister would take care of her children.

    I think you know enough to know how wrong I was...and how right the psychic was.

    :) d

  6. Dana- That's both amazing and sad! Definitely one of those times when you'd prefer to prove the psychic wrong!
    Hugs to you and The YA!
