Friday, October 31, 2008

All Hallows Eve . . .

So, I've come to the realization that I really love Halloween--in  a theoretical way. I love the idea of dressing up, and every year I come up with elaborate couples costume for my husband and I to wear (this year we'll don  hypothetical Marie Antoinette and Count Fersen costumes--it's an EVERMORE thing!). But the truth is, it never really gets past the idea stage--I haven't dressed up in over a decade.

As a kid, I always had the coolest costumes on the block. Though it had nothing to do with me, it was all because of my mom. I had one of those mom's that made everything from scratch--hand embroidery, smocking on my dresses--it was no problem for her. Though my favorite costume of all was the turquoise blue fringed flapper dress with the matching boa and feather headband she made--I didn't want to take it off--and would kill 
for that costume today! 

And when it came to candy, I was all about the Butterfinger. M&M's, candy corn, they all had their place, but give me a bite sized Butterfinger and I was in heaven!

But today, I'm not so big on candy. And when it comes to passing it out--well, it's a hit or miss thing. Some years I'm home with a bowl full of the good stuff (ie Butterfingers, Krackle, and M&Ms), and other years I purposely stay away until it's safe to come home.

Mine is not a house you can count on.

So tonight, whether I'm home between the magic hours of 6-9 remains to be seen, though by ten o'clock you can find me curled up on my couch, wearing my PJs, watching a season two DVD of DEXTER. And on Sunday, in the interest of "research," I'll be getting a past life regression with Dr. Brian Weiss-- I wonder what I will see???  Last time it wasn't at all what I expected . . .

Oh, and if you haven't done so already, make sure you head over to Jessica Brody's brand spankin' new Free Book Friday for Teens.  She's kicking it off by giving away the only remaining EVERMORE ARCs, and since the book doesn't drop until Feb 3, 2009--this is your last chance to get an early read!  Also, everyone who signs up will automatically get a sneak peek at chapter one!  So don't miss it, click HERE!

So tell me, how do you celebrate All Hallows Ever? Do you dress up? Pass out candy?? Or will you be watching Dexter like me?

Happy Halloween Everyone!


  1. Our community had trick-or-treat last night so for the actual Halloween night, my daughter's hosting a movie night with her friends. I'll be avoiding the candy. Unless there's Baby Ruths. Then I might have to have one. Or two...

  2. Hey Gerb- Movie night sounds like a great way to celebrate Halloween!
    Have fun!

  3. I'll be passing out candy and playing spooky music. I usually take a walk around the neighborhood to check out the decorations one last time! :)

  4. Jessica- Great way to celebrate! I must head over to iTunes and get me some spooky music!

  5. I left the light off so the kids wouldn't come to my house and holed up in my bedroom with Tristan & Isolde. It was pure cheese, but I loved every second of it. :D

  6. I dressed up as Hannah Montana for work (at the library) and passed out candy to the storytime kids that came and trick or treated. Then my friends had a murder mystery party where I was Judy Garland, so I dressed up as Dorothy. I even made a foil toto to get free dinner at Chipotle! (We named him Burito-to). I don't think I've dressed up that much in a long time!

  7. Enjoy! :) Sounds like a perfect night.

    I'm recovering from running around with a Pablo (my daughter). This was the first year she Trick or Treated. So cute. :)

  8. Trish-Haha! I've done that before too! Works like a charm!

  9. Hey Sarah- Sounds like fun! I should totally have a murder mystery party next year!

  10. Keri- Aw, your daughter's first Halloween-- how cute!

  11. I slipped on an old Renaissance costume from 7th Grade and I took my little Batman brother trick-or-treating for his third Halloween. He pushed me into a fake spider web; that was loads of fun... After that, I passed out candy, giving extra pieces to the kids dressed like nerds or doctors. :)

  12. Kanwal- That's the best Halloween story I've heard yet!!
    Cracked me up!
    Thanks for stopping by!
