Friday, August 15, 2008

Secret Fates Extravaganza!!

My friend, fellow Teen Fiction Cafe proprietress, and amazingly talented author Kelly Parra is celebrating the September release of her latest book, INVISIBLE TOUCH, by running a month long contest that's so cool, I wish I'd thought of it!

She's gathered tons of YA authors (including yours truly), to blog about a secret (either our own, or one of our characters),then giving away a signed book to a random commenter!

The party starts on Sept. 1- so make sure to mark your calendars! But until then, here's a little taste, to see what you're in for . . .


  1. Thanks for posting and participating, Alyson!! I think it's going to be a nice party going on with fun secrets and lots of chatting! :) :)

  2. Hey Kelly- I can't wait-- it's going to be sooo much fun!

  3. Anonymous5:01 AM

    That sounds like so much fun. Thanks for telling us about it.

  4. Hey Devon- It's going to be really cool- can't wait to read all the secrets!
