Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Rock 'n' Out!

Today's post is dedicated to Rock. Partly because my husband came home last night with a wii and the Rock Band game to go with it. And since my niece and nephew are in town for their annual surf camp visit, we all stayed up past midnight totally rockin' out--and we had so much fun this is now, officially, my favorite thing to do. It fulfills my greatest rock star fantasy and after getting a perfect score singing Bon Jovi's WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE-now all I have to do is work on my scissor kicks and I am so totally there!

Also, in the spirit of rock-- Rock 'n' Read is happening this Sunday, July 13, at 3:00 pm at the Virgin Megastore on Hollywood & Highland- and it promises to be, well, a rockin' good time!  There will be bands, authors, raffles, etc. I'm really looking forward to it and I hope to see you there too! For more information click HERE

Rock on everyone!


  1. Wish I could be there!! I'll be there in spirit..

    Congrats on the perfect Wii score. :) Are you going to perform on Sunday??

    Sounds like you're having a blast with your family. Enjoy!

    BTW, one of my college students (I teach at a local community college) was loving SAVING ZOE yesterday. :)

  2. Keri- Where DO you find the time? You teach too? I feel like such a slacker next to you!
    And yes, I will be "performing" on Sunday, though luckily for the attendees I'll only be reading from CRUEL SUMMER and NOT trying to out sing Jon Bon Jovi!

  3. Anonymous4:02 PM

    You had me at Bon Jovi... ;-)

  4. Ironically, yesterday, I was at my cousin's house for her birthday and she was playing ROCK BAND. I tried it and it is not easy! :) You should definitely pick up a guitar on Sunday. You could be like Stephen King and Amy Tan and start your own rock band with some YA authors. :)

    Slacker?? Yeah right. I'm staring at your amazing growing pile of books in my office right now. And me, I tend to take on way too much. I'm in the midst of letting go of some of my commitments before I end up losing my mind. :)

  5. Oh, I LOVE rock band! (Closely followed by guitar hero and the boxing game). I feel like I probably should never get a Wii of my own or I'll never get any writing done again ever...

    Good luck with the scissor kicks :-)

  6. Anonymous7:31 AM

    My first perfect score was Dirty Little Secret.

    Isn't Rock Band screamin' good fun? I love it.

  7. The wii is a new addiction in Dana's house as well!

    She and YA and a pal of YA's doing the HB Pier today.

    YA would love for you to come to B&N in Temecula (her fav store)so you can sign her new book (Cruel Summer)

    Take care and hope to see you very soon. Oh and rock out on Sunday.


  8. Keri- You're so right, Rock Band is NOT easy! And oh how I'd love to join Steven & Amy on stage!

    Josie- Yes, I can already see how the wii is going to take over my life-- it definitely has the potential anyway!

    Hey Amy- Congrats on Dirty Little Secret- rock on!

    Hey Sandy- Aw, the pier sounds fun! I'm in the desert at the moment 109 degrees and rising! Must figure our a way to get to Temecula and see the YA . . .
