Monday, July 14, 2008


I was completely gobsmacked this morning when I woke up and found this in my in box:

That is the cover for my new EVERMORE series, and it's even dreamier than I dreamed it would be!

Kudos and Confetti and a huge glittery GRACIAS to the amazingly talented people in the St. Martin's art department!

Oh yeah, and pictures from Rock 'n' Read are coming soon!!

(Spoiler alert: It was AWESOME!!!!)


  1. Anonymous12:47 PM

    OMG, that cover is AWESOME!

  2. Thanks Amy, I'm really really happy with it!

  3. Alyson, it's so beautiful!

  4. OMG, Alyson..... that is one jaw-dropping cover. No wonder you're so excited by it.....

  5. Wow! What a beautiful cover.

  6. Hey Trish, Sara, and Keri- Thanks so much! I had more anxiety about this one than any of the others, so I was thrilled when I saw it and immediately loved it!

  7. Anonymous10:30 AM

    Oh, that is AMAZING!!! You're going to pick up new readers from the cover alone!

  8. Hey Pam- Thanks-- I hope so!

  9. That cover is beautiful and makes me want to read the book right now!:)

  10. Hello greenbeanteenqueen!
    Thanks so much! I am DELIGHTED with it!

  11. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Alyson, that is SO GORGEOUS!!! I can see why you're salivating. It's absolutely amazing, and you know that the girls who see it won't be able to resist picking it up. Seriously, it's one of the most alluring covers I've seen since Twilight first came out. And when the people who pick it up find out that the story is just as good as the cover, they'll be totally hooked. Huge congratulations!

  12. Hey Caryn-
    Thanks so much-- I'm just over the moon about it!

  13. OMG! I saw your cover over at Reviewer X's blog and was like this book looks amazing! and who is it...hey, no way! SQUEE!!!!

    Awesome cover, it will be proudly on display on my shelves!!!

  14. Hey Brooke-
    Really? Reviewer X's blog?
    I'm heading over there now ...

    Thanks for stopping by!

  15. OOOH! Wow! That's a memorable cover, Alyson! I love it! :)

  16. Hey Jessica-
    Thanks! You know I love your cover too-- reminds me of my equestrian days!

  17. that splash of red is to die for. gorgeous!

  18. Anonymous7:46 PM

    how do you pronounce the name Yannis?

  19. Anonymous7:53 PM

    sorry i no you probably think its weird i m leaving the message here but i was really wondering about the name?
    by the way your book are great!!

  20. Hey Anonymous-
    Yannis is Greek and it's pronounced like:

    Ya (like you're going to say "yawn")

    Hope that helps!

  21. Yay! I can't wait to go to my neighborhood bookstore and check it out!

  22. Anonymous8:50 AM

    i'll be totally honest.. i never even heard of any of the books and totally just picked the book up because the cover looked interesting. im so happy i saw it. i read the book in one day and can't wait for blue moon to come out. so now im going to go out and get your other books. =]

  23. Dear Anonymous- You made my day! I'm so glad you liked EVERMORE--and hope you enjoy my other books too!

    Thanks so much for stopping by--Happy Sunday!


  24. Anonymous12:41 PM

    This book is totally, completely, insanely amazing!!! The cover is beautiful too. PLEASE write Blue Moon quickly!!! I LOVE DAMEN!!!

  25. Hey Lanna-

    Thanks so much!! BLUE MOON is done!! It's in production now, getting a nice cover etc, while I'm working on book #3 in the series!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  26. Anonymous2:45 PM

    The Cover is Beautiful But the book is amazing!!!

  27. Anonymous2:46 PM

    The Cover is Beautiful but the book is Amazing!!!

  28. Anonymous and Amanda-- Thank You!!

  29. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Hey, Alyson!! I looove the cover!! I just read the book, and wow!! It's amazing!! I can't wait to read the next book!!

  30. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Oh my god THANK YOU ALYSON! Finally a Dark Romance that isnt Twilight! I am so in love with the book and I loved every moment of it. Even took it to work (not generally a good idea but I was near the end and didnt want to put it down). I cant wait to get my hands on the next one!

  31. Raven and Sami--both of you--thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and write that--I really do appreciate it!!

  32. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Hi Alyson! Just bought your book yesterday and couldn't put it down once I started and ta da..I finished and I cant wait for your next one! Im so in love w/ your characters THANK YOU!!!! :)

  33. Hey Kerri- Thank YOU for taking the time to write something so nice! I'm thrilled that you liked it!

  34. Anonymous10:16 AM

    I LOVE THIS BOOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANT WAIT til BLUE MOON COMES OUT!!!!!!

  35. Thanks, Anonymous--hope you like BLUE MOON too!

  36. I just finished Evermore and I LOVED it!!! I can't wait for the next one! I love Damen also :)

  37. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I really loved Evermore! It really popped on the shelf and I was drawn to the book, and I'm glad I was because it was AMAZING!!! You left me wondering about a few things and now I can't wait for Blue Moon. I so wish Damen was real!!!

  38. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Saw the cover at the book store and immediately picked it up and i'm glad I did its an amazing book! Great job!

  39. Kate- Anonymous- Hannah-- Thank you sooo much!! Hope you like BLUE MOON too!

  40. The book seems amazing! I read the firstchapter onlie! and it is very thrilling! I'm dyig to read it, although I'll have to wait a month thill it gets here in Brazil.

  41. Hey Amanda-
    Sorry for the wait--but I really hope you like it!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  42. Anonymous9:34 AM

    When is the second book in the serious coming out?

  43. Hey Anonymous-

    The second book, BLUE MOON, will be in stores on July 7th!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  44. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Hey!!! I´m Belén from Buenos Aires Argentina, I want evermore but i can´t find it here!!!please Where I can get it...thanks you are the best!!!

  45. Hey mmmbelammm- Hmmm, have you tried ordering it from Amazon?? Otherwise, I'm not really sure. The Spanish rights have been sold but I'm not sure when they're going to publish it!

  46. Anonymous5:49 PM

    WOW the book is amazing i got it this morning and im already half way through! the cover is so beautiful. i think the book is way better then twilight!

  47. Hey Paula-

    Aw, thanks so much--I'm so glad you're liking it!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  48. Anonymous12:25 AM

    Hi Alyson ... definitively I´m not lucky, check amazon and the mail doesn´t come to Argentina, just a few countries of southamerica. It´s a good news that the rights in Spanish are sold, I´ll be waiting, I guess...

  49. mmmbelammm--Aw, so sorry! Just know that it's on its way!

  50. It's pretty in a kinda dark way. I bought the book because my friend was taunting me on how she's reading it before I am. I also bought it because of the cover it made me wonder why is she holding red tulips? Well now I know.Can't wait till Blue Moon. This is a really good series.

  51. Hey Jasi- Thanks so much--I'm so glad you liked it!

  52. Jasmine10:39 AM

    Hi.Alyson,you probably already know this but, you are an awesome writer. I was hooked on Evermore. I was up till 3 in the morning, reading by flashlight,just to finish it. I couldn't put it down.I have one question,how did you think of the story Evermore? Oh and jsyk I love how you put You Never Call Me When Your Sober,in there. I love that song.

  53. Hey Jasmine- (love that name!)

    Thanks so much, I'm so glad you enjoyed EVERMORE! As for the inspiration behind it, well, a few years ago I lost three people I loved in five months, and shortly after that I nearly lost my husband to leukemia (he’s in full remission now!). Experiencing that sort of intense grief and fear got me thinking a lot about life and death, mortality and immortality, the bonds that tie us even after a loved one is gone, and how our youth loving culture sort of seeks physical immortality by trying to remain youthful looking for as long as we can—and yet, what would happen if we really could achieve it? What would it mean for us, our loved ones, society in general? And since I’ve been interested in all things paranormal since I was a kid, Ever and Damen’s story seemed like the perfect vehicle to explore all of those themes.

    Hope that helps, and yeah, I love that song too!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  54. Jasmine2:54 PM

    Wow Evermore has alot of meaning to it. Sorry for your loss. I am going through the same thing, my cousin died Sunday due to an accident,my aunt died three weeks ago,and two months ago my grandpa died. See, when I was little I always thought they would be around forever. Enough of my sad story,(I know that they wouldn't want me to be depressed)can't wait until Blue Moon! You are an inspiration to all.

  55. Jasmine- I am so very sorry to hear of your loss. Please know that my thoughts are with you.


  56. Daisy7:42 AM

    LIKE OMG!! i just saw this book, and i read the back cover online...NOW I WANT ITT!!!

  57. Hey Daisy- Thanks, hope you like it!

  58. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I read this book and fell in love with it. It has such a new feeling to it that can't even be explained using words. My facial expression said it all when I was reading the novel.

  59. Thanks so much, Anonymous, for taking the time to stop by and write that! I'm thrilled that you liked it!

  60. Anonymous9:36 PM

    i think that this book was awesome! i gotten it sunday and finished tuesday. i feel that this would make an awesome movie. cant wait to read the next one!


  61. Hey Taylor- Thanks so much! So glad you liked it!

  62. Danielle3:23 PM

    Wow... Evermore had to of been the best book I have ever read! It kept me on my toes the whole way!! Along with Ever, I felt her pains, and her happiness! It was overall, an awesome book! Glad you wrote it, and also excited to read the next book in the series!! Yay, so excited!! :]

    Thanks for writing an awesome book.. and P.S, that cover is amazing!! I never understood the Red tulluips untill I read on in the book. It actaully took me 10 minutes to get to page 24... then it took me 4 hours to read the rest the next day!! Thats how awesome it was!!


  63. Danielle-

    Wow! Thanks so much for taking the time to write such a nice post! I'm so thrilled you liked EVERMORE and really hope you like BLUE MOON too!

    Thanks again for stopping by!

  64. Anonymous10:29 AM

    OMG!!! That cover is sooo cool it ah-mazing! I read the book soo good! What is the seqal to it if there is one?

  65. Hey UGAgirl-

    Thanks so much! EVERMORE is the first book in a 5 book series, the second book, BLUE MOON, will be in stores on July 7th, the third book, SHADOWLAND, will be out either late this year or early next, and book 4&5 will be out in 2010!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  66. Anonymous2:32 PM

    that cover is what made me pick this amazing book up! :)

  67. Really?? Thanks Anonymous--the art department will be thrilled to hear that!

  68. Anonymous6:12 PM

    i started it saturday night,when my freind let me borrow it and i couldn't get my eyes off it till the very last page!!( finished it late last night!)-----stunning cover!
    cant wait till JULY!

  69. Thanks so much Anonymous-- I'm THRILLED that you liked it!!

  70. Amita5:38 PM

    Alyson Noel, your an awesome writer and I'm a fan of you. As, I took the book just by looking at the cover, the cover seems very beautiful that relates to your story. Also, I'm going to do an oral presentation based on this for English class. My friends admired the book, just by looking at it. The title is a very powerful title. I'm re-reading a second time, because the words flow very well and each line can make a lovely quote. Last but not least, I've one more question, does this relate to your life? To me it seems like a life lesson, because teens have a hard time dealing with how to last things long and I understand that it takes time! And I've learned many times that life doesn't last long, but souls do. Can't wait for the next one, I'm thrilled!

  71. Hi Anita-

    Wow, thank so much for taking the time to write such a kind post--I'm so thrilled you liked EVERMORE and thanks for choosing it for your project!

    To answer your question, yes, EVERMORE was inspired by my own life. A few years ago I lost 3 people I loved in 5 months and shortly after that I nearly lost my husband to leukemia (he is in full remission now!). Going through that terrible time of loss and grief got me thinking a lot about life and death, mortality and immortality, and how you can still feel close to a loved one even after they're gone, and I decided to explore those themes in Ever and Damen's story.

    Thanks so much for stopping by!


  72. Kaitlin Spooner8:17 PM

    I saw Evermore at Barnes and Noble a few weeks ago, and stopped just because of the gorgeous cover. I didn't get it then (I was on a mission and was grabbing a different book), but came back a few days later to pick Evermore up. Its gorgeous! Can't wait for the second.

  73. Hey Kaitlin-

    Thanks so much for the support!! Just so you know, BLUE MOON is coming out a month earlier, so look for it on July 7 instead of August!

    Thanks so much for stopping by!


  74. Micci7:31 AM

    I just finished Evermore and I really enjoyed it! I can't wait for book two! :)

  75. Thanks, Micci! So glad you liked it!!

  76. Caitlyn Heylmann8:32 PM

    This book was absolutly amazing! I literally could not put it down! Totally cant wait for the next one!

  77. Hey Caitlyn-

    Thanks so much!! Hope you like BLUE MOON too!

  78. Anonymous6:36 AM

    hi ms alyson.. i just wanted to ask how may series would it go? your book is already out in the market here in the phils, and was included a must-have on one of the leading bookstores here...

    more power..

  79. Steph :)9:28 PM

    Hi! I'm a fan from the Philippines!:) That's such an awesome cover. My friend told me about your book and I can't wait to grab a copy and read everything! At the bookstore I went to, your books were sold out. Whooaa! :D

  80. Hey Steph-

    Aw, thanks--and thank your friend for me too!! Hope you find a copy soon!

  81. Hey Alyson!
    I've read your book three times already!
    It is absolutely compelling and spell binding!
    I cannot wait to get Blue Moon!
    Evermore is extremely popular with everyone I know!
    Do you have any ideas on a timeframe of when Blue Moon might be available?

  82. Hey Emily-
    Aw, thanks so much for all the kind words!!

    To answer your question, BLUE MOON will be in stores one month earlier now, so look for it on July 7th!!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  83. Anonymous7:25 PM

    I just wanted to say... i love the book! the best ive read in a long time! cant wait till the second one... and i love the cover!

  84. Thanks so much, KTerrell-so glad you liked it!

  85. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Hi Alyson... Im riza from the Philippines, im so into reading books..really which means i always go to bookstores to find something to read..until evermore caught my attention coz of the red tulip..i love flowers and im really captivated by the cover and til i read the cover,i didnt waste time and i immediately buy.. I fell in love with the book coz eventhough its fiction there are somethings in the story that can pull u back to reality--grieving for lost loved ones, highschool scenarios,those capital B with an itch people that can ruin your day haha and everyones curiousity about life,the in between, death and those special gifts.. This book is now listed to one of my favorites in my shelf,that i considered classic meaning--i will never get tired of reading and i could share to my future excited for blue moon but it will be out here by i wish i can have my book signed by you.too bad im super miles away.. Thanks for the inspiration.. Keep it up!

  86. Hi Riza-
    Thanks so much for taking the time to write such a nice post!!

    I'm so glad you enjoyed EVERMORE and that you got so much out of it--and I really hope you like BLUE MOON too!!

    Have a great day!!

  87. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Hi again..riza're so sweet alyson..and im super excited to complete the series.. Do you have tweeter account? Thanks! And keep it up! =)

  88. H Riza- Yup, I'm on Twitter! You can find me here:

    Have a fun weekend!


  89. Anonymous8:38 PM

    I followed you already..thanks!

  90. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Im so overwhelmed and too addicted to 'tweet', that i got the spelling of twitter wrong.haha *shy to the max*

  91. Hey Anonymous-- I know, it's hard to keep track of all of these networking sites!

  92. Emily1:39 PM

    AAAAHHHHH!!!! This is my favorite book of all time! I read Saving Zoe and Art Geeks & Prom Queens last summer and loved them both! I went to the bookstore and saw Evermore with your name on it and knew it would be great! I have all my friends reading Evermore and they're just as addicted as I am and can't wait for Blue Moon to come out!! Keep up the great work Alyson!!

  93. Thanks so much, Emily!! And thanks for spreading the word to your friends!!!

  94. Hi Alyson,
    I just wanted to tell you that the reason i picked up your book at Barnes and Noble was because of its amazing cover!!!!! 1. purple is my favorite color and when i saw that it was purple I was like... omg I have to have a purple book! 2. The cover is just so amazing with the red tulips and Ever is so pretty on the cover, and its ironic because in the book she doesn't see how she is attractive and she is blinded by her beauty and thinks the things that Stacia and Honor say about her are true. Also the reason I picked up this book is because I had really gotten into Twilight and read all the books, and was looking for something in the same genre.I think this is just as good as twilight because its kind of the same genre, immortals, vampires. You even mention vampires!!I think your book is also better than twilight because angels-- Riley are more imaginable because people believe in angels. more. And the idea that Damen is immortal is really cool!Surprisingly I haven't finished yet but so far I LOVE IT and i think I'll finish tonight!!!
    Thank you for writing an amazing book! Can't wait for the rest of the series!


  96. Hi Alyson,
    I just wanted to tell you that the reason why I picked up your book at Barnes and Noble was because of its amazing cover!!!!! 1. purple is my favorite color and when I saw that it was purple I was like... omg I have to have a purple book! 2. The cover is just so amazing with the red tulips and Ever is so pretty on the cover, and its ironic because in the book she doesn't see how beautiful she is and she is blinded by her beauty and thinks the things that Stacia and Honor say about her are true. Also the reason I picked up this book is because I had really gotten into Twilight and read all the books, and was looking for something in the same genre. I think this is just as good as Twilight by Stephanie Meyer (heard of it?) because its kind of the same genre, immortals, vampires. You even mention vampires!! I think your book is also better than twilight because angels-- Riley; are more imaginable because people believe in angels more. And the idea that Damen is immortal is really cool! Surprisingly I haven't finished Evermore yet but so far I LOVE IT and I am determined to finish it tonight!
    Thank you for writing an amazing book! Can't wait for the rest of the series!

  97. i love the cover it is great with the red tulips!!! i am 15 and i love to write i am working on a book now!! it takes awhile to write a book.. i loved evermore and i am so excited to read blue moon.. i was wondering how many books are you going to have in the series??

  98. sorry one last thing do the series stick to damen and ever theme?? or do you mix it up a bit?? also what is book 4 and 5 calld or have you decided yet???

  99. John Bielic7:56 PM

    The cover is amazing, attractive and clean. I loved the story as well and cant wait for the next book.

  100. Anonymous1:26 PM

    i never thought i would love another book aftr reading Twilight but after reading Evermore it became my favorite book. I told my best friend about it and now we both call it our new obsession. I can't wait for sthe next one.

  101. Thank you for giving us a wonderful book, ms. Alyson... after reading evermore, you became one of my fave writers! More power!And keep it up...
    Lerma from Cebu

  102. Kristen12:45 PM

    OMG!!! i love love love your book!!! i'm already reading it for like the third time! i can't wait for blue moon!!

  103. Dominique6:22 AM

    Omg i read it and didn't want to put it down for a second!it was amazing, but i wish i haddent read the prologe to the next book b/c that had me wanting it even more.

  104. Thanks everyone for all your kind words!! It really means a lot to me!

    Hope you like BLUE MOON and the rest of the books in the series too!

  105. Alyson, the cover is beautiful! The book is even better!! L.J Smith (wrote the Vampire Dairies and Secret Circle) said that when she started to read your books she couldn't put them down!! Omigawd! You must be very proud! Congrats!

  106. Deidadra- Wow, LJ Smith said that??!! That totally makes my day, thanks!

  107. Emily9:21 PM

    Bought and finished BLue Moon last Sunday. AMAZING!!! Right when I got the book I texted a friend of mine who I had gotten to read Evermore (which she totally loved) and once I had told her I had gotten Blue Moon she made her mom go get it for her from the bookstore!!! Loved how you left the readers hanging at the last word!! I'm so excited for Shadowland!!! Keep up the great work, Alyson!!

  108. Hey Emily--Thanks so much! I'm so glad you liked it, and thanks for telling your friends!

    Oh, and be sure to check out the new website at:

    every time you click on a tulip you will hear an audio clip of a scene not contained in the book!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  109. andrea8:35 PM

    I loved EVERMORE, so I was really excited for a second book & i could'nt wait! While I was reading BLUE MOON, I just could'nt put it down! You're an incredible author!

  110. Thank you Andrea--I really hope you like SHADOWLAND and the rest of the books in the series too!

  111. alyson,i fell in love with the immortal series.You are such an amazing writer. Good Luck!!!
    I <3 The Immortals

  112. Thanks so much, Eden! I hope you like the rest of the books in the series too!

  113. So i bought this book just a few days ago and i even fell in love before finishing it... please tell me there will be a tv series or a movie based on this book!!

  114. Hey Sheena-

    As for a movie or a TV show, well the dramatic rights have been optioned, so fingers crossed something happens!

  115. MaggieMae11:10 PM

    I've read most of the comments on here..and mines not too far off. I'm 22 yrs. old and I picked up your book well to be honest because of the art cover, simply beautiful. Loved Evermore, as well as Blue Moon..and to be honest I'm really having to test my nerves with having to wait for Shadowland..your book are really intertaining..loved every minute. So I just wanted to say, amazing job. Keep writing the series..because It's very much worth reading, again and again.

  116. Hey MaggieMae- (like the song? I LOVE that song!)!

    Thanks so much for taking the time to stop by and write such a nice message--I hope you like SHADOWLAND and the rest of the series too!

    If you haven't been to the new website yet, but sure to visit at:

    Every time you click on a tulip you'll hear an audio clip of a scene not contained in the book! And if you subscribe, you'll be notified when new clips are added!

    Thanks for stopping by!


  117. Anonymous6:05 PM

    The book is AMAZING i loved reading it.

  118. Thank you, Anonymous! I hope you like the rest of them too!

  119. Anonymous1:40 PM

    alyson, my friend wont tell me because she says i have to read it myself, and i really want to, but i dont want to use my money on it if i wont like it. but anyways, heres my question, is evermore a vampire book?

  120. Hey Anonymous- Well, your friend probably doesn't want to tell you because the answer to your question is actually a HUGE spoiler, but if you must know, then no, it's not a vampire book!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  121. Vanessa3:52 AM

    i have read both immortal books and they are amazing! i cant wait till you write more.......i wanna see what happens to evers precious damen

  122. Thanks, Vanessa! I hope you like SHADOWLAND too!

  123. Korey2:56 PM

    Mrs.Alyson, i finished your book yesterday and i am speechless. it left my imagination wandering and craving for more. i want to be a writer when i grow up, and im writing my own book, but, i lost hope in myself when school started because teachers completely drain our imaginations. but tne i read evermore. it opened up my mind to whole new worlds of imagination i never knew where in me. thamk you so much for writing this amazing book that ended my "brainwash" of my teachers.

  124. Hey Korey--Thanks so much for all your kind words--I am thrilled you enjoyed it! And just so you know, I had lots of teachers like that back in the day too, but then I got one great one who changed everything! I hope you'll get a great one someday too!

  125. Shanti1:04 PM

    This book was sooo awesome I started it and couldnt put it down i finished the same day I got it = )

  126. Thanks so much Shanti!! Love your name!


  127. omg i am not through the book yet but i am reading it slow because i don't want it to end. after the second one i don't know what i am going to do.

    it really is a very great book alyson. great, great job

    just the cover made me want to read it. i took it right of my friends shelf. it is so great and i love the connection between ever and damen.=]

  128. Thank you so much, Lexy!! And thank your friend for me too!

  129. I am German and I love this awesome book! it just took my breath away and I was so addicted until the first time I read. I love it. Thank you :) ♥

  130. Thank you so much, Jana!! I hope you like the rest of the series too!

  131. Jaishri, sushma9:37 AM

    hey Alyson, this book was amazing and we also love the charaters. We read it over and still loved your book.

  132. OMG I LOVE THIS BOOK. I was soooo impressed i'm now currently reading the 2nd book and am all most finished with it. I cant wait for the 3rd book.

  133. Thank you so much Jashiri & Sushma!!

    Thanks, Emma! Hope you like the rest of the series too!

  134. Great book! I read it in french and still loved it!!! It's amazing! When is the secon coming out?

  135. Thanks so much, Angeltown! I think book 2, BLUE MOON, will be out in Feb or March? But I'm not sure!

  136. Awesome book!!! I wanted to read Blue Moon first but my stupid teacher made me read evermore first >.> i liked the cover of blue moon it got my attention!! But i like evermore!! and i really don't read only immortal books :D

  137. Hi Ryan- Thanks so much--I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  138. Tricia8:41 AM

    That was an awsome book. i read it then tried to get as many of my friends to read it to. i could relate to ever in some ways

  139. sofik ;D5:27 AM

    we dont have this book in israel T.T
    i want to read it soooooooo much and i realy dont know what to do ... help ...

  140. Hi Sofik-

    It's coming to Israel!! I'm so excited, the rights have been sold, so stay tuned, it'll be there!



  141. Anonymous11:07 AM

    my name is josue from Indiana,

    This book is awsome!! Now that I`ve read it I`m thinking of reading all of your books evesingle one.

  142. Thanks, Josue--hope you enjoy them!

  143. jewel7:43 AM

    spoiler alert!!!!!
    hey alyson i was just wondering why you killed off ____. he made the story so interesting and the romance between him and Ever that was started was really coming along....atleast thats wat i thought.... also he was my favorite character..plz let me no as soon as possible cause i just finished the book two days ago and i am dieing to no....o and ps. excelnt job best book so far

  144. jewel7:48 AM

    sorry its jewel again i ment to put i was aking bout dark flame that just came out last tuesday

  145. HI Jewel- I know. I loved him too- he was one of my favorites to write. But as it's all leading somewhere, so I just had to do it. Though he was never serious about Ever, he just loved to tease her, and as for Ever, well, her only attraction to him was via magick gone wrong & her obsessive thoughts over how much she hated him.
    Still . . . I do miss him!
