Saturday, June 21, 2008

Orlando and Me (or is it I?) . . .

You know how they have those celebrity READ posters? The ones where Big Name People Who Read pose with a book that inspired them? Big Name People like, I don't know, Orlando Bloom for instance?

Well thanks to the awesome people at the Fontana Library (yup, them again-- I told you they rock!) I, a Not So Big Named Person Who Loves to Read, got to appear on one of these too!!

And just so you know, I happen to be holding a copy of Judy Blume's, DEENIE. The very same copy I read wayyy back in the day, that not only made me want to be a writer (along with ARE YOU THERE GOD? IT'S ME, MARGARET, which was borrowed by a certain someone, and never returned) but also managed to survive moves from The OC to Mykonos to NYC and back to The OC. And while I was really hoping that Orlando and I could pose together, in the end, it worked out okay!

Have a good weekend everyone!


  1. Oh my God, you ARE famous! I definitely had that SAME version of Deenie. Although I think I got it from my school library so I wouldn't be able to pose with it. Maybe you and Orlando will be invited to the same "READ" celebrity parties. Can I be your plus one???

  2. Hey Jessica- Anyone who returns their library books can be my plus one! I'll contact you just as soon as the invitation arrrives . . .

  3. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Oooh, that's very exciting!

    Judy Blume made me want to be a writer too :-)

  4. Anonymous8:59 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Hey Sally- I think all of us were inspired by her! I met her last summer at a conference and she was everything I hoped she would be--and more!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Very cool.

  7. Hey Amy- It was fun posing with Deenie!

  8. Wow! I love it. That's incredible. Did you get a copy? :)

  9. Anonymous7:59 AM

    That's adorable! And I had a copy of Deenie with that exact copy. Still remember that book so clearly after all these years.

    Ever read Jezebel's Fine Lines series? They reread old standby books from a modern-day, adult perspective. It's hilarious. They just did Deenie a week or two ago.

  10. Hey Keri- I'm picking up a copy at ALA!

    Hey Caryn- It's funny you mention that site because they contacted me just a few weeks ago asking if they could use my photo of the cover of Norma Klein's LOVE IS ONE OF THE CHOICES, (I still have the original) which I blogged about a while back-- their site is pretty hilarious, and makes me want to read all those old books again--someday--when I have the time . . .
