Monday, June 02, 2008

Blisters + Books = BEA

So, this past weekend was all about BEA. Well, that and LA traffic which I'm holding personally responsible for me missing the Debby Garfinkle, Marelene Perez, and Alexa Young book signings. And yet, all was not lost, as I still got to:

Spend quality time with my awesome agent; gawk at celebrities such as Alec Baldwin and R2D2; get signed books from Cecil Castellucci, Tami Hoag, (and more!);get a sneak peek at the new BREAKING DAWN TWILIGHT SAGA cover; meet my French editor and publisher over at Fleuve Noir; dine with Jessica Brody of the soon to be released FIDELITY FILES; chat with booksellers and librarians at the Macmillan Children's author dessert party; and, load up several free tote bags chock full of free books (one of the main reasons for the event's popularity!)--so many books it required three separate trips to the car, with the final count coming in at 82!!!

And now, waking up this morning with feet so sore they will accept nothing but flip-flops, a certain someone sent me this pic taken from the Santa Monica Barnes and Noble and it totally made my day!

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. 82 books and Daphne Unfeasible? That's not BEA, that's heaven. ;)

  2. Whoa! What a haul! And those Twilight bags...super awesome! :)

  3. Wow! I'm sooo jealous. :) Tag, you're it!

  4. Hey Trish- It felt like heaven!

    Jessica- I knew you'd be checking out my Twilight bags!

    Keri- Wow, you must've been the playground superstar with the way you just snuck that in there!

  5. Thanks for the mention of THE FIDELITY FILES! Congrats on the awesome B&N placement :)


  6. Hey Jessica-
    Well, FIDELITY FILES just happens to rock . . .so it was kind of a no-brainer!

  7. Whoa, you're so lucky you got all those books. Can you please have a contest? ;)

  8. Hi Carol-
    I know, it's a ton of books, and then I'm going to ALA at the end of June which means MORE free books. Hmmm, a contest just might be in the works . . .
