Friday, May 23, 2008

Viva France!

I always get excited when the foreign editions of my books are released. Not that I can actually read them or anything, since my four years of high school French doesn't stretch that far. It's more the covers that amaze me-- the colors they choose, the images they use--and of course there's the thrill of imagining readers in some of my favorite places (like PARIS!) picking up a copy to read in a cafe or on le metro!

So, I was really excited when I saw the cover for the French version of FLY ME TO THE MOON has just been released! You can check out the link here!

And even though in all my years as a flight attendant I never got to wear a hat as cute as that, and never would've even considered those stilettos- it does accurately portray the way I'd hoped the job would be--which is so much better (and more glamorous!) than the polyester wearing, bunion producing reality!

Happy Friday Everyone!


  1. Anonymous10:40 AM

    Aren't foreign editions great? Congratulations! The French cover is wonderful.

  2. Foreign editions are so exciting!

    (I'd say I can't wait to have some of my own one day, but if I don't get my revisions done, I won't even have an English one! hehe)

  3. Thanks Amy!

    Trish- Ah, revisions. . .my sympathies are with you!

  4. Alyson, Cruel Summer arrived at my bookstore yesterday. Not only did I build a special Alyson endcap, but I started reading it on my break. So far, I'm loving it.

  5. Trish- OMG- really! That's awesome--how can I ever thank you?
    Seriously. How???

  6. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Congrats on the foreign cover. It's really cute! Hope it gets a lot of attention.

  7. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Alyson--I found you through Caryn and I'm glad I did. Fly Me to the Moon (both French and American covers) looks delightful and I can't wait to get my hands on it. Congratulations! Will you be signing copies at RWA Nationals by any chance?

    Thanks for letting me play on your blog. I'll be back because I love reading past posts, especially hearing about the road to getting published.

  8. Hey Caryn- Thanks!

    Hi Pam- Caryn is great-- thanks for stopping by!
    Feel free to look around- though I don't have many posts on the road to publishing, since I started this blog long after that. And though I will be at National's- I didn't sign up for the literacy event so I won't be signing. Though I do plan to shop like crazy!

  9. It's gorgeous. I LOVE the colours.

  10. Wow! That's amazing. Congrats. It's adorable.
