Sunday, April 06, 2008

Weekend Update

So, I had a great time yesterday, participating in the Taft High School PASSPORT TO READING event

Where I caught up with friends, hung out with the funny, sweet, and talented, Debby Garfinkle, and spoke with some really great students about the publishing process. Everything that happens between the initial idea that sparks the story, to the final product--the book on the shelf-- with lots of visual aids to illustrate the journey.

After that I met up with the amazing, Jessica Brody, whose poised to make her author debut, and who also happens to be so cute, so talented, so sweet, so funny, so smart, so nice, so gifted, so genuine, you can't help but like her. I was lucky enough to get an early peek at her debut novel, THE FIDELITY FILES (coming June 10), and I'm telling you, it's so good-- I could barely put it down. It's about this girl who works as an infidelity inspector, and then, well, why not click HERE to watch the best book trailer you've ever seen (seriously), and read more about it!

Later that evening, my husband and I met up with some friends for a special premier screening of the TV show, GHOST WHISPERER, which was so fun to watch on a movie theater sized screen. Then after the credits rolled, the show's executive producers, writers, directors, costume designers, set designers, actors- including Camryn Manheim, David Conrad, and that hunky young new guy who plays Camryn's son (sorry, his name escapes me, but just know he's even hunkier in person), and, of course, the amazing James Van Praagh, took the stage where they engaged in a really fun and super informative Q&A.

And best of all--well, aside from hanging with friends and having fun, it totally qualified as research! I swear, ever since I started writing my EVERMORE books, the research gets better and better!

But since today is turning out to be far more humble, and hardly worth writing about, filled with all manner of laundry and other household "to-dos," I'll just go about my business, and try not to bore you with the details!

Happy Sunday everyone!

PS- Oh, and I wanted to add that for those of you looking for autographed copies, yesterday I stopped by the Barnes & Noble in the Westside Pavillion, chatted with the super friendly and knowledgeable staff (seriously, like the nicest, most helpful employees evah), and signed multiple copies of LAGUNA COVE, KISS & BLOG, and SAVING ZOE!


  1. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Glad you had a great time. Looks like the kids were really listening, too. We never had author visits when I was in high school; I'm rather jealous. Also, the screening sounded like such fun!

  2. Sounds like a great weekend! I love school visits and the premiere - wow! Thanks for sharing and enjoy the laundry. :)

  3. Hey booklady- Yah, I couldn't have asked for better students, they were just great!
    And me too, we never did anything fun in high school. Seriously, it was really the pits!

    Hey Keri-
    The screening was sooo much fun- and so informative too! Congrats again on your great review!

  4. Wow, what a great day! :)

  5. Hey Jessica-
    Yup, action packed and FUN!
