Sunday, February 10, 2008

She Talks to Angels

So, I just spent an incredible two days in an intensive psychic/mediumship development course taught by the completely amazing, world renowned, talented, compassionate, warm, loving, funny, and overall awesome nice guy-- JAMES VAN PRAAGH. And even though I realize that's a whole lot of superlatives, trust me, every single one of them applies!

Anyway, the class was great, the telepathic and energy sensing exercises blew me away, and besides the thrill of being in the company of Mr. Van Praagh, I met a whole host of wonderful people, and got some really good material for the paranormal book I'm working on now, MY IMMORTAL (due in 3 weeks- yikes!)

Also, I just found out that SAVING ZOE made TeensReadToo owner Jennifer Wardrip's 2007 TOP TEN LIST-- yippee! Click HERE to see the full list.

Okay, back to work for me!
Happy Sunday everyone!


  1. I can't wait to see what My Immortal is about - it's such a great title! I love anything psychic!

  2. Hey There Amanda-
    Thanks! It's titled after a song by Evanescence- so I can't take all the credit! And, yeah, I love anything psychic too!

  3. Hi Alyson:
    YES, great title!

    And I am jealous. Sounds like an awesome weekend. Oldest Daughter and I want to do something like that . . . she's had a really awful time of things lately--we both have--and I'd love to saok up some positive energy like that.

  4. Hey Erica-
    James is Mr. Positive Energy- and so incredibly patient. . .I'm so sorry to hear about you and your daughter going through awful times-- I'm sending love, peace, and good vibes your way. . .

  5. Due in 3 weeks? Eek! It sounds like it will be fabulous! All immortal things are (unless they're evil, and then they must be destroyed.)

  6. Hey Brooke-
    Um, yes, due in 16 days--not that I'm counting or anything. Because I'm not!
    So NOT counting!

  7. Sounds like you got a lot of that workshop - very cool. I'm here in Kauai and have KISS & BLOG in the pile of books on my kitchen island, waiting for me with it's hot pink cover. Can't wait to read it. Congrats on the TRT Top Ten List for SAVING ZOE!

  8. PS I'm with Brooke on destroying the evil immortals. They all must go!

  9. Aloha Susan-
    I hope you're having a GREAT time in Kauai-- I'm headed there in May and I cannot wait!
    And yes, it's true, some of those immortals are down right pesky!

  10. Congrats on Saving Zoe.... I'm not surprised it's an awesome book!

  11. Thanks Sara!
    And Happy V-Day!

  12. Anonymous11:33 AM

    That sounds absolutely fascinating! I love stories of psychic phenomena. Oh, and major congrats on the TeensReadToo list!

  13. Hey Book Lady-
    Thanks so much! And yup, the class was soooo cool. Mr. Van Praagh is such a nice man, and also a really good teacher. And while I myself didn't talk to any dead people, there were plenty of others who did. Though I did pretty well in the energy sensing and telepathy exercises, which were really quite fascinating!
    Thanks for dropping in!

  14. Anonymous2:59 PM

    me and my friend are doing a boook report on saving zoe(we cant find the page to comment) anyway, we love the book but dont have any idea about the setting

  15. Anonymous3:12 PM

    omg i just relized you look like that girl in that one show but i 4got what it is called. like oooh yeah! one tree hill! the mom with the adorable son that is sooo cute and whos husband used to basketball.
    and i lovve saving zoe!!! congrats!!! we should party

  16. Hey Anonymous-
    That's so cool you're doing a report on SAVING ZOE! As for the setting- well, the truth is, I left it ambiguous on purpose. Most of my books have such defined settings- usually the OC, but I wanted SAVING ZOE to feel like it could take place in any small town in America, which is why I never chose an actual town. Though it's definitely not the OC.
    Oh, and the comment section on my website is called- b-board.

    Thanks so much for stopping by--and good luck on the report!

  17. Hey Anonymous-
    If you mean Moira Kelley--then, THANKS!

  18. Anonymous6:13 PM

    your so cool! your my idol

  19. Aw, thanks Anonymous!
