Wednesday, January 09, 2008

It's Official!

Okay, being the superstitious, jinx fearing person that I am-- I was truly chomping at the bit to tell you this-- yet knowing better than to put the cart before the horse or count those eggs before they hatch--I (not so) patiently waited for the official posting in Publisher's Marketplace--and since that just so happened to show up today-- here goes----(feel free to insert drum roll here):

I recently agreed to another two book deal with my awesome editor, Rose Hilliard, at St. Martin's Press!!!

Or, as officially stated in P.M.-

"FAKING 19 and SAVING ZOE author Alyson Noel's MY IMMORTAL, to Rose Hilliard at St. Martin's, in a two-book deal, by Kate Schafer at Janklow & Nesbit (NA).
Translation: kt literary"

Which translates to mean that I am writing a new paranormal series in which the first book will be titled MY IMMORTAL-- and I couldn't be more excited!

I've been interested in all things paranormal ever since I was a little kid (I know that probably sounds weird but I'm dead serious-- yes, pun most definitely intended!), and am actually kind of surprised that I waited this long to write one. But now that I am, I get to delve into all kinds of interesting activities--all under the guise of "research"--including a class with the amazing psychic/medium James Van Pragh!


Okay, and soon, very soon, I will post the cover for my next novel, CRUEL SUMMER, (May 2008). I hope you like it as much as I do!

Have a good day everyone!


  1. Congrats, Alyson! That's fantastic. And, back in the day, I read two of James Van Pragh's books. A pink one and a blue one if memory serves. Let us know how his class is. Research can be too fun :-)

  2. Anonymous8:22 PM


  3. Anonymous4:43 AM


  4. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Congratulations! That's so exciting!

  5. Congrats, Alyson! Keep us posted on the research :-)

  6. Congratulations, Alyson! (Erica Orloff sent me here.) The paranormal sounds like a blast!

  7. Hey Susan- I read the pink on and blue on too! I also read a purple one! Heh!

    Daphne, Julia, booklady, and Brooke- thanks so very much!

    Hey spyscribbler- I recognize you from Erica's blog- isn't she awesome?!

  8. There's a purple one? Must've come out after I'd read the others. I'm so behind ;-)

  9. Congratulations, Alyson! Oooh, post about Van Pragh sometime. I'm so fascinated by him.

  10. Three cheers! I can't wait to hear about your experience in his class.

    Take Care,

  11. Susan- Yup! the purple one is called- pause while checking overflowing bookshelf--HEAVEN AND EARTH!

    JK Mahal- I will def post about him! I met him recently at a bookstore in downtown Laguna and he is sooo incredibly nice-- I'm really looking forward to the class!

    Hey there Ms. Castillo- Thanks so much! See you Saturday??

  12. Anonymous7:08 PM

    Great news, Alyson! Wow, James is someone I've always wanted to meet. Lucky you!!! Can't wait to read your new series.

  13. Hey there Ladona-
    Thanks so much!

  14. Wow! Wow! Congratulations!
