Sunday, December 16, 2007


Hey Everyone-
I just learned that SAVING ZOE was mentioned on the CBS Early Show on a "Giving the Gift of Reading" segment as one of three books that was recommended for teens, and the cover is up on their site! Needless to say, I am over the moon with excitement!

You can see the post HERE.

Also, I'm on my way out the door to do an interview for a local cable channel! I'll be sure to post more details, and maybe even a clip, when I get them!

Have a great Sunday!


  1. WOW!!! How exciting. Congratulations.

  2. Thanks Sara, I have to admit I was totally psyched!

  3. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Hey Alyson, it's Jen again. Well I'm not sure if I told you but I read Faking 19 a few months and OMGSH I loved it. I hope you write more books like that, not the same of course, but similar kind of vibe. I am now reading Saving Zoe, I'm on like chapter 23 and I just got the darn book less then a week ago! Haha, needless to say I love it, it's really good so far and everytime I come to a spot where I think Echo is going to do something interesting like kissing Marc like she did in the park, it just ends and I'm like, "WHAT THE HECK?!" hah, so of course I have to read the next chapter and then the next because I can't get enough of it! Anyway, I'm happy and proud to say that your books made me like reading a ton more. I'm excited to read your next books, keep them coming !

    And I had a question... Would you ever consider coming to Everett, Washington for like a book tour or something? I'd love to meet you! And I think my best friend Maddie wouldn't mind either. I got her your book, 'Art Geeks and Prom Queens' for Christmas. We're going to swap books when we are both done wiht ours. I got her into reading your books, and Maddies a total book worm and she says she absolutely loves your books!
    Well, I think I've babbled on enough. I'll get back to you later Alyson !! BYE :D

    Sinerely, J.M.S : )

  4. Hey Jenn-
    Wow, thanks so much for your incredibly kind words! I'm thrilled that you're enjoying my books, and can't thank you enough for telling your friends!
    And to answer your question, I'd love to go to Everett, Washington- I think it's a beautiful state- though my publisher usually handles these things and I'm so busy writing more books for 2009 that I haven't planned any more signings at this time. But when I do add some more, I'll list them on my website!
    Thanks again for taking the time to stop by!
    Have a wonderful New Year!

  5. Anonymous12:48 PM

    He Alyson i just finished reading Saving Zoe and it is so good i loved it. I love how you put it together and what happened at the end it was great!

  6. Anonymous12:48 PM

    He Alyson i just finished reading Saving Zoe and it is so good i loved it. I love how you put it together and what happened at the end it was great!

  7. Hey Dani-
    Thanks for stopping by-- and for all your kind words!
    Enjoy your weekend!
