Saturday, September 08, 2007

Every Picture Tells A Story

I just got back from an Amazing trip to--

Where I met some interesting people--

Donated SAVING ZOE to the library in memory of a dear friend - (as I do with all my books)

Saw lots of these- (though most of them were alive!)

None of these:

A few of these-- although this one's (by far) the best!

Co-piloted one of these--

Okay, maybe I just sat up front. . .

And then, before I knew it, it was time to go home. . .

Good bye Kodiak-- Thanks for a wonderful time!


  1. Wow, looks awesome Alyson. I'm glad you had a great time. My grandmother actually lives in Juno, Alaska, I go up there and visit her often, but the pictures are great. And I love the view!

  2. Hey Blu Chip-
    You're so lucky to have that kind of access- Alaska's amazing- I can't wait to go back!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. What an amazing trip! I'm glad you didn't run into any bears though!

  4. Hey Steph-
    Yup, it was awesome! And though I'm really glad I didn't see any bears-- my husband was a little disappointed. . .

  5. WOW! I am jealous. Right now, I can't imagine dragging four kids, including a toddler to Alaska on vacation, but it is definitely someplace I have ALWAYS wanted to visit. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Hey Erica-
    You should definitely go if you get the chance- it's sooo beautiful!
