Friday, June 08, 2007


Outside my window, it's definitely summer. But I'm staying inside, working on my next book.

I've been a little swamped lately, which has turned into a case of major blog neglect, and since it doesn't promise to let up anytime soon- I thought I'd leave you with some links of interviews and stuff I've been doing.

Here's a fun, meme type interview I did over at YA Books Central. They also had some very kind things to say about KISS & BLOG!

Want a free copy of KISS & BLOG and other teen books? Click HERE for your chance to win-- and then scroll down to read a nice review of KISS & BLOG!

Here's a great review of FLY ME TO THE MOON from the Watermark Bookstore/Cafe

Here's an interview I did over at EI Johnson's blog.

Have a good day everyone!



  1. Sounds like you have lots of fun stuff going on, Alyson. Happy writing!

  2. Hey Susan-
    Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Anonymous9:23 PM


    To get me to read a book and actually enjoy it is a very rare thing. As soon as I finished the 2nd chapter of "Laguna Cove", I couldn't put it down. I spent my entire day laying on the beach reading it! As of right now it is my favorite book! Thanks so much for such a great read! -Maria

  4. Hi Maria-
    Thanks so much for stopping by and for taking the time to post something so nice! You made my day!
    Have a fun weekend!
