Monday, March 12, 2007

Stewardess Hates Job

"Stewardess Hates Job" - this was the title of a "hot reads" book review of FLY ME TO THE MOON in the Saturday edition of the Montreal Gazette, and it totally cracked me up.

Mostly because I didn't hate being a flight attendant! I mean, not every day. I only hated the ones with bad weather, no empty seats, and infinite delays .

But there were good days too, like the time when. . .um . . .

Okay, mostly I was in it for the layovers.

But the review was good, they even called it "fun and quite entertaining." And I would include a link, but they won't let you read it unless you subscribe.

In addition to being fun I recently learned that reading my book (okay, not necessarily my book, but fiction in general, as opposed to non-fiction) will make you more empathetic.

According to a study conducted at the University of Toronto (yes, I am loving Canada these days!) Subjects who read more fiction than non-fiction, performed better in tests of empathy and social understanding, leading the researchers to conclude that people hone interpersonal skills through the "simulated social experiences" they have when immersed in a fictional narrative.

Which got me thinking about my own "simulated experiences" like how reading Deenie convinced me I had scoliosis, (I didn't), and how reading The Little House books allowed me that covered wagon, prairie experience without ever having to leave the comforts of my OC neighborhood.

There were more, but I'd really like to hear about yours! So, tell me- what were some of your favorite "simulated social experiences?"


  1. Man, where to start? I loved The Secret Garden, and my friends and I were absolutely and totally convinced that the walled garden we found in our public park was just such a secret place. Never mind that it was smack dab in the middle of the park, and anyone could see us. It didn't matter.

    I convinced my parents to get me horseback riding lessons after making my way through Black Beauty, and all the Balck Stallion books, and everything by Margarite Henry.

    And I'm still not convinced that I'm not a princess, stolen from her homeland. That's always happening in some of my favorite books!

  2. Hey kt
    Yup, I got my horse after much begging that was prompted by reading "Misty of Chincoteague."

    And let's not even talk about the "Harold and the purple crayon" incident!

  3. Hmmm...I don't know. Anything where I learn something new. You're gonna laugh, but all I can think of is Bourne Identity.

    I don't plan on becoming a spy anytime soon, but that was one cool book.

    :) d

  4. Dana-
    do not underestimate yourself- you'd be an awesome spy- with your tech savvy and killer smile-- CIA would be lucky to have you!
    So don't go ruling it out!

  5. Alyson,

    As I said previously, I loved your book and learned so much. You never really know what it is like in someone else's profession until you walk in their shoes.

    I can not tell you how much I LAUGHED at a certain description in your book. I do not want to give anything away...but it was so darn funny!!! I was taking a break at my desk in my office and burst out laughing!

    I will tell you when I see you again...but I am guessing you know what cracked me up!

    Have a great weekend and spend time with your best friend.


  6. Anonymous10:14 AM

    Whoo-Hoo!! Go Canada!!
    Okay, anyways I really wanted to be a vampire after reading Blue Bloods by Melissa de La Cruz last summer (but then again I want to be all the characters in her books, they are so fictianlly lucky its hard not wanting to be them).

    When I picked up Twilight by Stephenie Meyer a chouple of months ago I was even more convinced I wanted to be a vampire (I still want to be one).

    ummmmm....Can't think of anything else at the moment but I've wanted to be a whole lot of other things too....too bad I can't think of them...

  7. Sandy-
    Hmmm, I think I know which part you're referring to . . .but still, I'd love to hear it from you!

    Carmen- OMG- I haven't read Blue Bloods yet, but as I was reading Twilight, I kept looking at my husband and saying- why can't you be a vampire like Edward?
    I loved being in that world!

  8. was just a teeny part of your book...but it was so funny!
    I don't always remember what makes me laugh in a book after I have read it and memory fades...but this I will.
    You are a funny girl!

