Friday, October 27, 2006

The Laguna Beach Library Rocks!

Anyone who knows me knows how much I LOVE The Office. So much so, that I'm not ashamed to say that I arrange all of my Thursday nights around that 8:30 time slot. That's why last night's Friends of the Laguna Beach Library annual dinner gave me such a bad case of angst. The social began at 6:30, the dinner at 7:30, and even though it's a quick drive home, I was sure we wouldn't arrive until well past the end. And even though I'm not tech savvy enough to own a Tivo, I do have a semi-reliable VCR, not to mention a husband who's a wiz at setting the timer.

Though there was that one time when it didn't work. . .and what if it happened again?

So as we headed off to the dinner, I tried to let my excitement over meeting T. Jefferson Parker (I loved California Girl) twice in two weeks, override any anxiety I might have over missing my favorite TV show. And as it turns out, I'm so glad I went! Not only did I win five autographed hard covers in the silent auction, but I met some interesting people, learned all about raising a guide dog puppy via doggy-in-training, Azure, and his owners (I'm seriously thinking about signing up to do this!), caught up with the wonderful writer, Kathleen Givens, but I also managed to convince T. Jefferson Parker that I was merely a fan and not a stalker.

Then the moment we got home, I ran through the door, raced for the couch, and held my breath as I grabbed the remote and pushed play- then burst out laughing when I saw The Office was a rerun!

1 comment:

  1. Alyson, what am I going to do with you? You're too much. If you ever need someone to tape The Office, you know where to find me.

