Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Got Green?!

The picture above is doing double duty.

First- It's green in honor of St. Patrick's Day.

Second- It's got a great message.

Oh, and did I mention it's Bob Marley?! Nuff said!

Anyway, just a quick post before I return to all things SHADOWLAND ( the finish line is in sight--yay!), to say that I did a really fun interview over at Melody's Reading Corner. And seriously, if you're sick of reading my interviews you should still click through just to check out Melody's blog because the layout is adorable!

Can't get enough interviews you say? Well, then click right HERE to read one I did for the Southern California Independent Booksellers Association, where I talk about my favorite restaurant and how I spend my weekends . . .

Also, it looks like those seven years I spent living in Mykonos, Greece finally paid off as Greek rights to EVERMORE & BLUE MOON were just sold to Psichogios (and no, I've no idea how to pronounce that despite the seven years in Greece!)!!!

Oh, and last, but most certainly not least:


Rock on with all of your velvet painting awesomeness!!


Keri Mikulski said...

Happy St. Patty's Day!

And happy birthday, Lamia! ;)

Lamia said...
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Anonymous said...

Thanks mucho!!! Congrats on all of your accomplishments as well Alyson. Lets please go out and celebrate sometime. I still need to see Choke!

GreenBeanTeenQueen said...

Alyson-I read your interview and you said Blue Moon comes out July 7?? Did the release date get moved up?? How did I not realize this? If that's so, then you just made my day and I'm doing a happy dance in my office right now:)

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the Greek rights selling, as well as the upcoming final line. Isn't it just the best feeling when you write THE END and then go do the funky chicken to express your joy?

And no, I could never get tired of interviews.

Oh and, Bob Marley rocks.

Jessica Burkhart said...

Awesome news on the foreign rights! And oops. I forgot to wear green today...

-The Lover For Life said...

hi great bog i am one of your young readers eho just adore your books! anyways check out my blog sometime :]]]
yupp its kinda long but ya :]]

Alyson Noel said...

Hey Keri- Thanks- and right back at you!

Mia- Yes, I still need to see Choke too, I've been waiting for you! Happy B-day!!!

GreenBean- Yes, it's true! The release has been moved up a month to July 7--dance on!!

JT- Who told you about my funky chicken dance??! And yup, Marley rocks!

Jessica- it's not too late to wear something green only 5:30 in CA!!

Hey there Kisses&Hugs--thanks for stopping by!!

Melody said...

Thanks for the shout out, Alyson!
I had a great time doing the interview! :)

I can't wait to read BLUE MOON soon!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to you!